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I. Tralate the
following into Chinese (50%):
Backstai Battle for White House Influence
Reaga White House staff is divided into three parts: the upstai part headed
by the pragmatic James Baker(詹姆斯·贝克), the dowtai part beaded by the coervative William
Clark(威廉·克拉克), and
the backstai part patrolled by their assistants, who tell the press
about the differences between upstai and dowtai.
There have been
differences among most presidents’ advise ever since Thomas Jeffeon(托马斯·杰弗逊) was accused of relying
on an “invisible” group of associates that engaged in “backstai influence.”
So the current rumo of a struggle for the president’s mind among the Big
Four—Baker, Clark, Michael Deaver and Edwin Meese (贝克、克拉克、迪弗、米斯)— are not new, just
more public.
They are the result
of President Reagan’s remoteness from the day-to-day formation of policy, of
his habit of delegating authority widely, and not to a single chief of staff,
as President Dwight Eisenhower (艾森豪威尔) did, and of his tendency to avoid getting his principal aides
together on a regular basis to listen patiently to their arguments and
Mr. Reagan’s way
is a reflection of his character and his peonality. He is more interested in
presenting policy than forming it. He does not have a controlling chief of
staff; he does not limit his principal advise to a special field of
concentration like Mr. Truman (杜鲁门), but lets the Big Four play the field and run across one another;
he does not dominate or intimidate his staff, like Mr. Johon; and he does not
read and work like Mr. Carter.
Does it matter?
Most observe here would say it does. But there are some advantages. It frees
him to speak and perform, which he does better than any president in recent
memory, even when he is peddling noee.
Also, since he
could stop the squabbling and most of the White House leaks by controlling the
Big Four, it is conceivable that the leaks of his coming pla provide him an
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