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I. Tralate the following terms into Chinese: (15ps)
1 deoxyribonucleic acid
2 force majeure
3 carbon dioxide
4 magic realism
【答案】军械工程处(Ordnance Engineering
6 the APEC CEO Summit
【答案】联合国气候变化框架公约(The United Natio
Framework Convention on Climate Change)查看答案
8 On the Origin of Species
9 multipolarity
10 ecocriticism
11 thriller film
12 FOB
【答案】离岸价格(free on board)查看答案
13 optimize economic structure
14 overall revitalization
15 Silicon Valley
II. Tralate the following terms into English
1 白条
【答案】blank note查看答案
2 共赢
3 硕士点
【答案】master degree program查看答案
4 钉子户
【答案】nail household查看答案
5 次贷危机
【答案】subprime crisis查看答案
6 金砖四国
Russia India China)查看答案
7 亲子鉴定
【答案】paternity testing查看答案
8 打黑除恶
【答案】crime crackdown查看答案
9 整顿小煤矿
【答案】rectify small coal-mines查看答案
10 中国大陆
【答案】mainland China查看答案
11 教师休息室
【答案】Teache’ lounge查看答案
12 混合动力汽车
【答案】hybrid electric vehicle查看答案
13 四项基本原则
【答案】four fundamental principles 查看答案
14 发展是硬道理
【答案】development is of overriding importance查看答案
15 社会主义和谐社会
【答案】harmonious socialist society查看答案
III. Tralate the underlined part into Chinese.
Man was the last
to come but the fit to use his brain for the purpose of conquering the forces
of nature. That is the reason why we are going to study him, rather than cats
or dogs or hoes of other animals, who, all in their own way, have a very
interesting historical development behind them.
In the
beginning, the planet upon which we live was (as far as we now know) a large
ball of flaming matter, a tiny cloud of smoke in the endless ocean of space. Gradually,
in the coue of millio of yea, the surface burned itself out, and was
covered with a thin layer of rocks .Upon these lifeless rocks the rain
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