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小学英语课堂律动热身游戏 小学英语课堂律动热身游戏(Warm-up) 虞城县教师进修学校 祝媛芳 PAGE 5 1、One two three four one two three four ,clap your hands ; two two three four,stomp your feet; three two three four,nod your head; four two three four,hands on knees. 2、walk jump run stop Walking Walking,Walking walking, Jump jump jump,Jump jump jump, Running running running , Running running running , Now let’s stop. Now let’s stop. 3、Clap stomp snap bump clap clap clap (拍拍手); Stomp stomp stomp (跺跺脚); Snap snap snap (打响指) Bump bump bump (打击膝盖) 4、Shake your body(1) shake your shoulders,shua shua shua; Shake your hands ,clap clap clap Shake your hip ,pia pia pia cry cry,wu wu wu.两手食指擦眼泪 shy shy,mm mm mm.两手抱胳膊作害羞状 9、follow me Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下); Hands up ,hands down ; Follow follow follow me ; Stand up, sit down ; Follow follow follow me; Let’ s turn around ; Follow follow follow me ,let’s sing a song. Oh lei ,oh lei ,oh lei, Go go go? 10、one two three four five Point up point down (双手食指上指,下指); Show me one (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示1) Jump up jump down; Show me two ,Look up look down; Show me three,Stand up sit down ; Show me four ,Hands up hands down; Show me five ,One two three four five (依次出手指表示1、2、3、4、5后砍头) 11、Everybody, hold your hands and form a circle. Big circle, big big big small circle, small, small, small Hands up! 1,2,3...Hands down! 1,2,3. Hands left!1,2,3. Hands right! 1,2,3, 12、Let’s count one two ,tie your shoe ; Three four ,touch the floor; Five six ,stir and mix (伸出另一只手数数,作搅拌状); Nine ten ,count again (双手反过来再数一遍); One two three four five six seven eight nine ten (一只手指,一只手指的再数一遍) 13、Oh rabbit Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit ,red red eyes,Oh shua ,oh shua ,oh shua shua shua ; Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit, long long ears , Oh wu ,oh wu ,oh wu wu wu ; Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit, Short short tail, Oh pia, oh pia, oh pia pia pia 14、Big bad wolf Knock konck knock (敲门三下),Who is it (手放耳边听),It’s mummy (捏鼻子装妈妈的声音);Open the door (双手打开门),Come in please (


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