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PAGE 5 《History of American Literature》教学大纲 课程名称: History of American Literature 课程类别(必修/选修):必修 课程英文名称:History of American Literature 总学时/周学时/学分:32/2/2 其中实验/实践学时:8 先修课程: 英国文学史、英美短篇小说阅读 后续课程支撑: 英语诗歌赏析 授课时间:Fri1-2(Weeks6-18);Tue7-8(Weeks16-18) 授课地点:6B-102; 6F-205 答疑时间、地点与方式:线上线下相结合;线上通过优学院、微信、电子邮件或电话答疑;线下通过课堂或面谈答疑,时间、地点灵活安排。 课程考核方式:开卷()闭卷(X)课程论文()其它() 使用教材:History of American Literature 教学参考资料:无。 课程简介:History of American Literature is a required course for English majors. It aims to familiarize students with the major periods, authors, and works of US literature; how these periods, authors, and works influenced each other; to show how US literature has interacted with society and history, both as an influencer and that being influenced. 课程教学目标及对毕业要求指标点的支撑: 课程教学目标 支撑毕业要求指标点 毕业要求 目标1: to become familiar with the chronological progression of US literature to become familiar with major authors and works to better understand how literature interacts with history and society Ability to read and discuss at a high level Strong reading and oral communication skills 目标2: To be able to read complicated and multilayered pieces of literary art; express and defend an understanding of the deeper meanings therein To be able to identify, if at all possible, what the distinguishing elements of American literature are and how they might compare with those of other countries. 毕业要求6(英语语言文化知识): 具有较强的跨文化交际能力,深入了解东西方文化,尤其是英汉在语言、思维、文化、历史、哲学、价值观念与交际方式等方面的差异;具有对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性,减少误解、避免冲突,能与外国人开展有效顺畅的互动与交流。 目标3: To better understand how literature is both influenced by history and society, and also influences history and society To increase our general fluency by interacting with masterworks by acclaimed authors; attempt to penetrate the surface interpretations to their meanings to discover the universal truths lying beneath the surface. 毕业要求10(问题分析和问题解决): 具有较强的社会适应能力和实践能力;具有对问题做出科学合理分析,在分析的基础上提出解决方案并付诸实践的能力;具有创新意识和创新能力,通过英语知识性课程的学习输入与技能性课程的模仿操练,尤其是语言拓展实践、能力拓展实践、大创项目、学科竞赛、国际交流、专业认识实习等


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