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Unit 11 Freedom ;;;;;Lead in;Lead in;Background Knowledge;concern but political and social significance. He is best known for his work on liberal theory and value pluralism. In “Two Concepts of Liberty”, from which this text is taken, Berlin discusses the negative and positive notions of liberty, arguing that positive liberty, though high sounding in theory, is in practice vulnerable target for external manipulation. With his theory of value pluralism, Berlin contends that ultimately, conflicts and clashes are insoluble between different values and objectives which are equally true, noble, and objective, and people are constantly making choices which cannot be totally explained by a universal standard or principle. So instead of pursuing an illusionary meta-principle to harmonize all values, we should respect and acknowledge the existence of a plurality of values. Berlin’s experience with Russia and then the Soviet Union might have exerted conspicuous influence on his theory of liberty.;Background Knowledge;continued;John Locke: 1632-1704, English philosopher during Enlightenment, whose theory of social contract influenced later philosophers and revolutionaries in their search for liberty. He advocates religious and political freedom and unequivocally argues against government imposition of control over its citizens against their consent. Locke is widely considered founder of liberalism. Adam Smith: 1723-1790, Scottish economist and philosopher, whose Wealth of Nations is a foundational work for classic economics. Smith champions freedom for all as participants of a competitive market, which, through workings of the invisible hand, can lead to efficient production and resource allocation.;John Stuart Mill: 1806-1873, English philosopher and political economist, most well-known proponent of liberalism, whose On Liberty remains a must read for anyone interested in the topic. Mill sets the boundary between the private and public spheres and is a staunch


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