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人教版八年级英语下册unit9单元测试题 一、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。 is _______ _______ write ______ _______ read _______ _______ study ______ _______ have _______ ______ eat ______ _______ start______ _______ live______ _______ help ________ ______ travel______ _______ say_______ _______ hear______ _________ 二、词语运用。 A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.I bought a new ________(照相机) from the supermarket last week. 2.Its ________(难以置信的) that the boy can carry such a huge stone. 3.I told him to come back ________(无论何时) he wants to. 4.Many children like to fly kites in ________(春天). 5.She ________(害怕) that she might not find him in his office. B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.These ________(Japan) came to China yesterday.They will visit the Great Wall. 7.We met many ________(fox) in the forest. 8.Its ________(safety) to cross the road when it is a green light. 9.People in Singapore ________ (most) speak Chinese and English. 10.We can buy different kinds of ________(India) food in the supermarket. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.不论贫富,她总是很快乐。 ______ she is poor ______ rich,she is always happy. 2.农民们一年到头都在忙。 The farmers are busy ______ ______ _______. 3.人口以每年约6%的速度增加。 _____ _____ is increasing at about 6% every year. 4.楼上的噪音使我整晚都没睡着。 The noise upstairs ______ me ______ all night. 5.我们班四分之三的人都戴眼镜。 ______ ______ of our class ______ glasses. 四、单项选择。 ( )1.—Have you ever _______to a water park? —No,I haven’t. A. gone B. been C. visited D.go ( )2. —I enjoy ice skating. —______. A. I do so. B. So I do. C. So do I. D. neither so I ( )3. —I have__________been to U.S.A. —Neither has Jim. A. never B. ever C. already D.yet ( )4.My teacher is_______years old. A. 30 more than B. more than 30 C. more 30 than D.less 30 than ( )5. You can rent a bike if you want to get some ___________. A.exercise B. exercises C. exercising D. exercised ( )6.I’ve never ____________other countries. A. traveled B. traveled to C. traveled D. will tra



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