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half past nine
half quarter a quarter to twelve
a quarter past seven
in the afternoon
in the morning
do homework go to bed run
walk take a walk clean the room
1a When do students usually do these
things? Match the activities with the
time of day.
Øhalf past six in the morning
Øa quarter past three in the afternoon
Øa quarter to seven in the evening
Øa quarter to ten in the evening
1b Ask and answer with your partner.
When do students They usually eat dinner
usually eat at a quarter to seven in
dinner the evening.
They usually go to
When do students
bed at a quarter to
usually go to bed
ten in the evening.
When do students They usually eat breakfast at
eat breakfast half past six in the morning.
They usually do homework When do students
at a quarter past three in do homework
the afternoon.
1c Listen and circle the activities you
1. get up ___ 6. do my homework ____
2. run ____ 7. clean my room ____
3. eat breakfast ___ 8. eat dinner ____
4. go to school __ 9. take a walk ____
5. go home ____ 10. go to bed ____
1d Listen again. Write the time next
to the activities you circled in 1d.
1. get up _____ 6. do my homework ______
5:30 5:30 PM
2. run ____ 7. clean my room ___
3. eat breakfast ___ 8. e
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