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绿色方向标团队——挑战杯竞赛作品说明书 第十二届“挑战杯”参赛作品 作品名称: 绿色引领出行方式的转变 ——西安公共自行车系统分析及发展对策探究 类别, ?自然科学类学术论文 ?哲学社会科学类社会调查报告和学术论文 ?科技发明制作A类 ?科技发明制作B类 摘 要 本文基于西安市城市交通问题的实际情况进行论述。近几年来~西安市交通、环境和能源问题日益严重~发展慢行交通~倡导公共自行车绿色出行~ 引导居民采用“公共自行车+公共交通”的出行模式~是提高城市交通运行效率和减少环境污染的有效途径。 论文首先进行了国内外公共自行车系统现状的对比~以及西安市经济技术开发区试点的现状分析。其次对西安市公共交通出行结构和公共自行车的特性~以及公共自行车存在的环境和适用范围进行了初步探究~对其进行进一步的根底定义。然后本文从绿色交通的角度考虑~建立FAHP模糊层次分析的数学模型~综合评价公共自行车的绿色价值。接着~通过建立ISM解析结构模型~将制约公共自行车发展的因素层层剥开~寻求最根本的因素~结合在调研过程中发现的问题~本文给出了对于西安市公共自行车运营机制、服务质量、站点规划等方面相应的改善措施及对策建议。最后对西安市公共自行车的发展进行了远景展望。 关键词: 公共自行车,绿色交通,模糊层次分析,ISM解析结构模型,改善措施 Abstract This paper, based on the xian city traffic problems of actual con-ditions were discussed. In recent years, xian city traffic, environ-mental and energy issues are getting more and more serious, the development of slow traffic, advocate public bicycle green travel, guide the public bike + residents public transportation travel mo-de, is to improve the city traffic operation efficiency and reduce the pollution of the environment in an effective way. Firstly, the paper talks about public bicycle system at home and abroad present situation, and the contrast of xi’an city’s economic and technological development zone to analyze the current situation of the pilot.Secondly, the public transportation structure and xi’an city’s public bicycle characteristics, as well as public bicycle exi-stence of environmental and applicable range on a preliminary inqu-iry, and carry on the further roots definition. Then we transport from the green point of view, the establishment of FAHP fuzzy AHP ma-thematical model, a comprehensive evaluation of public bicycle green value. Then, through the establishment of analytical structure mod-el, the ISM restricts the development of public bicycle lay bare, seek a factors on the fundamental element. In the research process with the problems found in, we obtain the xi’an city for public bicycle operation mechanism, service quality, site planning concern-ing the correspo


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