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大学生微信选课小程序的设计与实现 摘要  学生选课一直是学校和学生面临的一个困境和麻烦,学生无法正常选课的主要原因多是由于学生大量且集中的进行选课。因为各类课程受师资力量的影响存在一定的容量限制,学生们为选到心仪的课程集中在选课系统之初进入系统进行选课,如此大量的访问一旦超出了学校服务器能同时承受的限度,便会引起校园选课系统的崩溃,进一步导致学生无法选课。借助微信小程序应用发展的优势,使用SpringBoot框架、hibernate以及MysQl数据库等技术在保留原有的选课系统功能的同时,针对选课系统的困难和难点,本文设计一种基于微信小程序平台的学生选课管理系统,以满足教务管理员、老师和学生,其符合时代的发展,节省了时间成本,提高了选课的效率。   顺应现代市场小程序的潮流,本文将以《大学生微信选课小程序的设计与实现》为题,从基本设计思路以及开发过程等方面阐述该选课小程序的具体细节。小程序前端和后端两个部分组成了选课系统的设计,选课小程序界面与后端SpringBoot系统之间的交互从而得以实现。系统的设计与实现则经过需求分析,系统设计,系统编程和实现,系统部署和运行,最终完成了微信小程序选课系统的设计和实现。  本毕业设计实现了选课工作的信息化、网络化,实现了学校、院系、学生以及教师之间信息的有效沟通,解决了选课困难,学校选课系统容易崩等困难,提高了经济管理学院的工作效率和管理水平。 关键词:微信小程序;线上选课;SpringBoot和hibernate Abstract   Students course selection has always been a dilemma and trouble faced by schools and students. The main reason why students cant choose courses normally is that students choose courses in a large number and concentration. Because all kinds of courses are limited by the influence of teachers, students choose their favorite courses at the beginning of the opening of the course selection system. Once such a large amount of access exceeds the limit that the school server can bear at the same time, it will cause the collapse of the campus course selection system, and further lead to students unable to choose courses. With the advantages of the development of wechat small program application, using springboot framework, hibernate and MySQL database technology, while retaining the original function of the course selection system, aiming at the difficulties and difficulties based on wechat small program platform to meet the needs of educational administrators, teachers and students, which is in line with the development of the times, It saves time cost and improves the efficiency of course selection.   In the trend of modern market small program, this paper will take design and implementation of wechat small program course selection system for students of School of economics and management as the title, and elaborate the specific detail


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