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摘 要 “互联网+”时代,政府网站日益成为政府与公众联系互动的重要官方平台,它进一步拓宽了普通民众参政议政、表达利益诉求的渠道,提升了政务信息公开的透明度,也从一定程度上起到了监督政府的作用,促进政府部门回应民众需求、不断提升行政效能。但当前政府网站的政民互动平台仍处在发展阶段,需要不断地摸索完善。政府网站该如何真正有效惠企便民、提升政府管理服务水平,这无疑是具有重要意义的研究和探索。 本文以宿迁市政府门户网站的“互动交流”板块为研究对象,按照“描述现状——分析问题——分析原因——提出对策”的思路展开全文。以“平台建设是基础,公民参与是根本,政府履职是关键”的分析框架,结合一手资料、问卷调查以及访谈获得的信息,对宿迁市政府门户网站政民互动的发展历程、现状进行梳理总结,展开分析,总结出当前宿迁市政府门户网站政民互动平台面临的困境,并进行原因分析。最后,结合分析提出对策建议,为宿迁市政府门户网站以及有类似发展困境的市级政府门户网站提供有益参考和借鉴。 关键词:政府门户网站 政民互动 电子政务 网络问政 Abstract In the Internet Plus era, government websites have increasingly become an important official platform for the government to interact with the public. It further broadens the channels for ordinary people to participate in the discussion and discussion of government affairs and express their interests, enhances the transparency of government information disclosure, and also plays a role in supervising the government to a certain extent, promoting the government departments to respond to the needs of the people and constantly improving the administrative efficiency. But the interactive platform of the government website is still in the stage of development, which needs to be improved constantly. It is undoubtedly of great significance to research and explore how the government website can truly benefit enterprises and facilitate the people and enhance the level of government management services. In this paper, Suqian Municipal Government Portal interactive exchange plate as the object of study, in accordance with the description of the status quo - analysis of the problem - analyze the reasons - put forward countermeasures. Based on the analysis framework of platform construction is the foundation, citizen participation is fundamental, government performance is the key, Combined with first-hand information, questionnaires and interviews, the development process and status of the interaction between the government and the people in Suqian Municipal Government Portal are summarized and analyzed. Summarize the


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