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沈阳师范大学学士学位论文 新型城镇化背景下农业转移人口落户问题以及对策研究—以四川省成都市双流区为例 PAGE PAGE I 摘 要 新型城镇化是国家提出的重大战略,提倡农业转移人口就地落户,是一项国家会长期坚持的战略。而四川省成都市双流区作为一个转移人口聚集地,农业转移人口落户意愿很高,却迟迟无法落户。 本文主要是运用调查法和文献研究法,经过阅读文献和实地调研,从调研所得出的数据中,了解到农业转移人口的现状,也梳理剖析出了此地区落户难的典型问题—本地区整体落户难、年龄较大与文化程度较低的农业转移人口落户更难。然后从问题入手多角度分析出引发问题的原因,角度包括落户门槛、社会生活、农业转移人口对落户政策的了解程度等,再以此为支点,从降低落户门槛、加大宣传力度、改善城市福利、加强对农业转移人口的技能培训这四方面提出解决对应问题的改进措施。 关键词:新型城镇化;农业转移人口;落户问题 沈阳师范大学学士学位论文 新型城镇化背景下农业转移人口落户问题以及对策研究—以四川省成都市双流区为例 PAGE PAGE IV Abstract New-type urbanization is a major strategy put forward by the state, and it is a strategy that the state will adhere to for a long time to promote the settlement of agricultural migrants. However, Shuangliu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, as a gathering place for migrants, the willingness of agricultural migrants to settle down is high, but they have been unable to settle down for a long time. This article mainly uses the survey method and the literature research method. After reading the literature and field research, from the data obtained from the survey, we understand the current situation of the agricultural transfer population, and also comb and analyze the typical problems of difficult settlement in this area-the whole area It is more difficult for the agricultural migrants who are difficult to settle, older and less educated to settle. Then start with the problem and analyze the causes of the problem from multiple perspectives, including the threshold for settlement, social life, and the understanding of the settlement policy of the agricultural transfer population, etc., and then use this as a fulcrum to lower the threshold for settlement, increase publicity, and improve the city The four aspects of welfare and strengthening of skills training for agricultural migrants propose improvement measures to solve corresponding problems. Key words: New Urbanization; Transfer of agricultural population;


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