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第 PAGE 4 页 第 第 PAGE 1 页 摘 要 随着我国人口老龄化程度的不断加深,老年人养老问题愈发严峻,这就要求我国必须加快建设服务型政府、深化“放管服”改革成效,为建立健全养老服务组织体系提供有力依托。党的十九届六中全会上提出,要加快发展养老服务工作,必须大力推进居家和社区养老服务稳步发展,如何缓解我国现阶段的养老压力,是政府必须解决的民生难题,要解决这一问题,必须努力寻求符合我国国情的养老服务供给模式。本文以宿迁市新城名苑社区为研究对象,利用访谈、问卷等调查方法,以服务型政府理论和福利多元主义理论为指导,通过对现状的研究发现,当地政府购买社区居家养老服务存在着受众覆盖率低、服务供给不足、供给主体专业化水平不高等问题,并对出现问题的成因进行分析,最终提出拓宽服务受众面、丰富购买项目、打造专业化服务队伍等针对性的对策和建议,为完善宿迁市政府购买社区居家养老服务工作提供一定的借鉴和参考。 关键词:人口老龄化 政府购买服务 社区居家养老服务 多元监督 Abstract With the deepening of my countrys population aging, the problem of elderly care for the elderly has become more and more serious, which requires my country to speed up the construction of a service-oriented government, deepen the reform of decentralization, management and service, and provide a strong support for the establishment and improvement of the elderly care service organization system. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed that to speed up the development of elderly care services, we must vigorously promote the steady development of home and community elderly care services. Therefore, efforts must be made to find a supply model of elderly care services that is in line with my countrys national conditions. This paper takes Mingyuan Community, Xincheng, Suqian City as the research object, using interviews, questionnaires and other survey methods, guided by the theory of service-oriented government and welfare pluralism, through the research on the current situation, it is found that the local government purchases community home-based care services. There is an audience coverage. We will analyze the causes of the problems, and finally put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions such as broadening the service audience, enriching the purchase items, and building a professional service team. To provide some reference and reference for improving the Suqian municipal governments purchase of community home-based care services. Keywords: aging popula



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