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PAGE PAGE II 摘 要 在移动互联网时代,大数据以及人工智能技术快速发展,伴随着智能技术的广泛应用,在老年群体中存在的数字鸿沟问题也暴露在公众的视野中。现如今不少老年人不会上网且不会使用智能手机,而在平常的生活中有些必需使用智能设备才能进行的活动常常给他们造成阻碍。如何运用治理理论,从地方政府有效解决老年人数字鸿沟问题的角度出发,探索最有效的提升老年人应用以及学习智能技术的途径,是数字时代背景下值得关注和探讨的话题。 本文以辽宁省丹东市振兴区为调查地,在调查过程中应用了问卷调查法、深度访谈法和文献研究法三种方法对所关注的问题进行深入探讨。通过量化研究发现辽宁省丹东市振兴区安民镇有三分之一的老年人在日常生活中遭受过因为不能熟练使用智能设备而在出行、就医、日常活动方面受到阻碍的经历。家庭经济因素、缺少学习途径、缺乏学习热情是老年群体中普遍存在的问题。 本文尝试从基层政府角度出发构建政府、社区、社会三方面协同发展,各自履行职责的新局面,并且对家庭反哺模式在帮助老年人迅速掌握应用智能设备的方法上所起的作用和意义进行了探讨,展望了未来对于老年数字鸿沟问题研究的新方向。 关键词:老龄化;数字时代;老年人;治理理论 Abstract In the era of mobile Internet, the rapid development of big data and artificial intelligence technology, along with the wide application of intelligent technology, the digital divide among the elderly group has also been exposed to the public. Many older people today do not have access to the Internet or smartphones, and are often hampered by activities that require smart devices in their daily lives. How to use governance theory to explore the most effective way to improve the application and learning of intelligent technology for the elderly from the perspective of local governments effectively solving the digital divide of the elderly is a topic worthy of attention and discussion in the digital era. This paper applies governance theory and takes Zhenxing District, Dandong City, Liaoning Province as the investigation site to explore the governance countermeasures that can be adopted by the grass-roots government in the process of helping the elderly to cross the digital divide. In the process of investigation, three methods of questionnaire survey, in-depth interview and action research were adopted. This paper includes three parts: concept and theoretical basis, dilemma analysis of the elderlys application of intelligent technology and countermeasures to help the elderly to cross the digital divide. Through quantitative research, this paper finds that one-third of the elderly in Anmin Town, Zhenxing District, Dandong City, Liaoning Provinc



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