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摘 要 随着疫情的不断扩散,城镇化及人居环境面临着严峻的挑战。城市社区作为城市治理体系的基础单元,是整体疫情应急管理防控工作的重要堡垒,也是阻断疫情蔓延的重要空间,但城市社区目前在疫情应急管理工作方面存在诸多问题。在此背景下,从社区应急管理角度出发,以淮安市河下社区疫情防控应急管理工作实践为例,分析了城市社区疫情防控应急管理的工作现状、存在问题及原因。调查可知河下社区存在风险监测系统不到位,各部门职责不清、社区疫情防控应急管理参与主体单一、居民应急管理意识淡薄、社区应急管理队伍建设不到位等问题。究其原因主要是因为应急监测预警防控制度不完善、社区疫情应急防控管理多元主体治理体系不健全、社区应急管理宣传不到位、社区应急管理队伍保障机制不完善等。对此,在已有的调查基础上,提出建立健全社区应急管理机制,明确职责、完善社区应急管理多元主体协同治理机制、加强社区应急管理宣传教育、加强社区应急管理队伍的建设等建议。通过这些方式能够进一步提升社区疫情防控应急管理水平,提高全社会应对疫情的应急防控能力。 关键词:疫情防控 城市社区 应急管理 河下社区 新冠疫情 Abstract With the continuous spread of the epidemic, urbanisation and living environment are facing severe challenges. As the basic unit of the urban governance system, urban communities are an important fortress for the prevention and control of overall epidemic emergency management and an important space to stop the spread of the epidemic. However, urban communities currently have many problems in epidemic emergency management. Under this background, from the perspective of community emergency management, taking the practice of epidemic prevention and control in Hexia Community, Huaian City as an example, the current situation, existing problems and reasons of epidemic prevention and control emergency management in urban communities are analysed. The investigation shows that the risk monitoring system in Hexia community is not in place, the responsibilities of various departments are unclear, the main body of community epidemic prevention and control emergency management is single, residents awareness of emergency management is weak, and the community emergency management team is not in place. The main reason is that the degree of emergency monitoring, early warning, prevention and control is not perfect, the multi-subject governance system of community epidemic prevention and control management is not perfect, the publicity of community emergency management is not in place, and the guarantee mechanism of community emergency management team is not perfect. In this regard, on the basis of


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