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第 第 PAGE 2 页 摘 要 自2003年非典暴发以后,禽流感、革登热、埃博拉等各种公共卫生事件频发,特别是2020年的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,不仅仅对人体、生活等各方面产生巨大影响,其传播速度也非常之快,涉及范围也很广,这给基层政府的管理工作带来了巨大的挑战。本文通过查阅文献资料和调查研究,分析了宿城区政府在疫情防控能力方面存在的一些问题,如宿城区政府疫情防控预警监测能力薄弱、宿城区政府的疫情防控应急管理能力不足、宿城区政府的疫情防控协调管理能力较弱等。然后根据存在的主要问题提出相关的建议,如完善宿城区政府疫情防控的预警监测机制、加强宿城区政府疫情防控应急管理体制的建设等。希望这些建议可以对宿城区政府疫情防控能力的提升起到一定的作用。 关键词:疫情防控 基层政府 应急管理 预警监测 协调管理 Abstract Since the outbreak of SARS in 2003, avian flu, Gordon fever, Ebola and other public health incidents have occurred frequently. Especially the novel coronavirus outbreak in 2020. It not only has a huge impact on human body, life and other aspects, but also spreads very fast and involves a wide range, which brings great challenges to the management of grass-roots governments. Based on literature review and investigation, this paper analyzes some problems existing in the epidemic prevention and control ability of Sucheng District Government. For example, Sucheng district governments early warning and monitoring ability of epidemic prevention and control is weak, Sucheng district governments emergency management ability of epidemic prevention and control is insufficient, and Sucheng district governments coordination management ability of epidemic prevention and control is weak. Then, according to the main problems, some suggestions are put forward. Such as improving the early warning and monitoring mechanism of epidemic prevention and control of Sucheng District Government, strengthening the construction of emergency management system of epidemic prevention and control of Sucheng District Government. It is hoped that these suggestions can play a certain role in improving the epidemic prevention and control ability of Sucheng District Government. Keywords:epidemic prevention and control; Grass-roots government; emergency management ; Early warning; Coordinated management 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 一、绪论 1 (一) 选题背景与意义 1 1. 研究背景 1 2. 研究意义 1 (二) 国内外研究现状 2 1. 国外研究现状 2 2. 国内研究现状 2 3. 基本概念与理论基础


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