新视野商务英语考试题目及翻译 .pdf

新视野商务英语考试题目及翻译 .pdf

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s Speaking Test Preparation Pack for Business English I/II Time: Academic Week 13 Instructions: 1. Each student will in turn be given a written question to respond to an individual speech for 3 minutes. The interlocutor can explain and explore further the topics if necessary. The student will choose the questions by drawing lots. All the tests will be completed in the class within 90 minutes. 2. Students are supposed to give as many factors or reasons as they could to support their ideas and arguments when preparing the following questions of the oral test. 3. Focus: Organizing a larger unit of discourse; expressing and justifying opinions, developing topics, demonstrating abilities to develop business ideas. 4. No prepared paper or materials can be brought in the classroom when the oral test takes place. Questions: (1) What can a company do in order to achieve the customer loyalty? 为了获得消费者的忠诚度一个公司该怎么做。 (2) What is important when aiming to improve an after-sales service? 提高售后服务最重要的是什么。 (3) What is important when dealing with customer complaints 处理消费者的抱怨时最重要的是什么。 (4) How do you think of what a good advertisement looks like? 你认为一个好的广告的特征是什么。 (5) What elements should be covered when introducing a company,? 介绍公司是应该包括哪些因素。 (6) What is important when giving feedback? 商务英语 I/II 第1页,共2页 2012-2013学年第1学期口试准备材料 2012年11月 当得到反馈的时候什么最重要。 客户满意度。 (7) Would you take the brand into account when buying a new product? (Why/Why not?)你买东西的时候会考虑品牌吗? (8) What is important when developing new products? 研发新的产品的时候什么比较重要。 (9) What would you like your manager to be? 你希望你的经理是一个什么样的人。 (10) Would you consider buying a new brand of product newly introduced to the market? (Why? /Why not?) 你会买一个公司新出的产品吗


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