新人教高中英语必修三Unit 2 Morals and virtues Reading 教学设计.docxVIP

新人教高中英语必修三Unit 2 Morals and virtues Reading 教学设计.docx

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普通高中英语(2019版)必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 教学设计 Period 2 Reading and thinking 该板块的活动主题是“学习作出人生抉择”( Learn to make choices in life)。从听说板块的道德困境话题转移到这一板块的人生抉择问题,贯穿其中的线索是本单元的核心人物——林巧稚。选择林巧稚的生平作为阅读部分的题材内容,不仅仅因为她是我国著名医学家,为我国医疗事业作出了巨大的贡献,更重要的是,她的人生经历能给学生带来无限启迪。无论是在求学期间还是在职业发展道路上,林巧稚曾面对的道德困境和人生选择,与当前每个年轻人即将面对的社会生活有着许多相似之处,而从她的人生抉择中,学生能够感受到她身上的仁善、自强、勤奋、执着、敬业、慷慨,还有高度的责任感和广博的爱心。这些美好品质不仅值得学生学习,还能启发年轻人反思自我,思考如何面对人生抉择,认真选择未来的道路,全力以赴地面对人生的挑战。林巧稚的故事对于今天的年轻女性也有重要的教育意义,能够激励她们坚持信念和梦想,理解生活的价值和意义,努力抓住机遇,把握自己的人生。另外,关于林巧稚牺牲个人生活一心追求事业这一选择,教师应注意保持客观中立的态度,可以启发学生讨论,同时尊重他们不同的想法和态度。 1. Master the meaning and usage of key words in the text in the context; 2. Through reading biographies of characters, understand their life stories, analyze their personalities and qualities, and make reasonable inferences and generalizations about their personalities and characters;Understand the moral dilemma on the road to life; 3. Able to extract facts and details from articles by reading; able to tell stories according to the time order or the sequence of events; able to tell a friendly story; 4. Guide students to reflect on themselves and express their views on life choices;Learn to look at problems comprehensively, objectively and rationally, so as to have a deeper thinking and understanding of morality and human nature. Importance: 1. Guide students to identify the characteristics and language features of the biography genre; 2. Guide students to make reasonable inferences and generalizations about characters personalities and characters according to the detailed information provided in the article; 3. Ask students to reflect on themselves and express their views on life choices. Difficulties: 1. Analyze the structure of the article, master the characteristics and language characteristics of the biography genre; 2. Use the key words in the passage to describe how to be kind to others and express your opinion on life choices. 1.Read the passage in advance, according to the context or consult the dictionar


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