
牛津译林八年级下册Unit6Sunshineforall单元重点解析 .pdf

牛津译林八年级下册Unit6Sunshineforall单元重点解析 .pdf

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牛津译林八年级下册 Unit6Sunshineforall 单元重点解析 牛津英语 8B Unit6 Sunshine for all 单元重点解析 必背短语: 1.训练成为一名志愿者 train to be a volunteer 2.志愿帮助穷人 volunteer to help the poor 3.支持我 support me 4.需要帮助的人们 people who need help 5.一个残疾人 a disabled person 6.一个盲人 a blind person 7.一位老人,年长者 an elderly person 8.聋哑人 deaf people 9.无家可归的人 a homeless person 10.给他们提供食物和衣服 give them food and clothes 11.给当地政府写信 write to the local government 12. 提供特别居所给无家可归的人 provide special places for homeless people = provide homeless people with special places 13.一份志愿者经历的报告 a report on the experience of a volunteer 14.期待他做一名工程师 expect him to be an engineer 15.为奥运会志愿服务 volunteer for the Olympics 16.他一生中最神奇的经历之一 one of the most amazing experience of his life 17.有智障的儿童和成年人 children and adults with intellectual disabilities 18.与…相似 be similar to … 19.放弃他们的业余时间干某事 give up their spare time to do sth. 20.接受训练 receive training 21.做这些工作, 完成这些任务 do the tasks 22.一名运动员 an athlete 23.一名游泳教练 a swimming coach for sb. 24.感到更加自信 feel more confident 25.把人们团结在一起, 聚集一起 bring people together 26.他对这项赛事的感受 his feelings about the event 27.获得一等奖/第一名 win (the) first prize 28.获得第四名 finish fourth = come fourth 29.使他们梦想成真 make their dreams come true 30. 帮助他们实现梦想 help them realize/achieve their dreams 31.给老人让座 give seats to the elderly 32.帮助盲人过马路 help blind people (to) cross the road 33.捐钱给慈善机构 donate money to charities 34.种植更多的树 plant more trees 35.许多组织机构 many organizations 36.在山区工作 work in a mountain area 37.一名大学生 a college student 38.一位小学老师 a primary school teacher 39.在中国西北 in North-west China 40.一个志愿者课题 a volunteer project 41.一项训练计划 a training plan 42.通过写邮件相互联系 keep in touch with each other by writing emails 43.教他们中文和数学 teach them Chinese and maths 44.在我们的日常生活中 in our daily lives 45.节省零花钱 save one’s pocket money 46.在社区中心做志愿者工作 work as volunteers at community centres 47.由…组成 be made up of … 48.用不同的方式 in different ways 49.我家乡的变化 changes in my hometown 50.青少年们的课外活动 teenagers’ after-scho


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