Unit 1 Helping others分析和总结分析和总结.docx

Unit 1 Helping others分析和总结分析和总结.docx

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Unit 1 Helping others 英译中 charity billion challenger donation item survey goods volunteer wealthy worldwide common Charities Aid Foundation 45% stranger by contrast extra add up to generous company organization $300 billion average recently the Giving Pledge wealthy Warren Buffet Bill Gates promise So far billionaire Giving time or taking time to help others is a common way that people give to others . In a survey, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) asked thousands of people in over 150 countries about ways they gave to others in the month before the survey. The results showed that 45% of people worldwide took time to help a stranger in some way. By contrast, about 20% of people who took the survey said they helped others by giving some of their time volunteering with groups. The CAF survey did not ask about how people gave things to others, but it is clear giving things is quite common. People may buy extra food or other items in order to give these things to charities or to those in need. When it came toPeople may also give things they do not need or use any longer, such as clothes, phones, or even an old car. These kinds of donations of new or used items actually add up to a lot of help for those who need it. When it came to giving money, the CAF survey found that over the past month, 33% of people had donated money. Over the years, the United States has been one of the most generous countries worldwide. Each year, people, companies, and organizations in the United States donate over $300 billion. Actually, 75% of this amount, or over $225 billion, comes from people. Half of that is donated each year by average people and families and half is donated by richer people and families and half is donated by richer people. Recently, the very rich have been challenged to give even more by the Giving Pledge. A group of very wealthy people like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates started this idea. They want others to promise to donate most of their wealth now or at some point in t


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