人教版PEP英语五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a big bed.pptx

人教版PEP英语五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a big bed.pptx

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;Let’s greet !; Free talk: know each other;《Rain,rain,go away》; Let’s read;;;;;;I have no painting tools, Can you help me? (小壁虎没有绘画工具,能帮帮忙吗?) ;Let’s do the tasks. Get the painting tools! (开始闯关,获得绘画工具吧!) ;;Task 1:Find the same (找单词的相同点);Monday;Letters sound ;Only “a” talks 只有a字母发音;;How to pronounce? 如何正确发音?;rainy; Get a palette and brush (获得调色盘和画笔); Task 2:Let’s chant; Task 2:Make a new chant; Task2:Make a new chant (小组合作,试唱chant); Task 2:Pair work; Task 2:Pair work; Task 2:Pair work;m;a;to;Task 3(任务3) Get more colors. (得到更多颜料。);;Task 4(任务4) Paint the rainbow. (画彩虹。);Task4:Listen,write and make a new sentence.;Task4:Look,listen and write;;;Today is a rainy day.;The gift is ready! 礼物准备好啦!;Mom is so happy! ;Love is the greatest gift in the world. 爱是世界上最棒的礼物。 ;;This Sunday is Mother’s day.;The second Sunday in May is Mother’s day. ;What will you do for your mom?;Homework


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