新概念2 Lesson29课后练习小测验题.docx

新概念2 Lesson29课后练习小测验题.docx

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Lesson 29 Taxi! Lesson 29 Taxi! unusual, aeroplane, carry, request, Swiss Welsh Pilatus Porter taxi roof block flat land plough desert lonely deserted 你没必要乘出租车。图书馆很近。机降落在田野里。 飞行员(pilot)已经将飞 我住在机场附近的一个公寓房。过往的飞机快要把我逼疯了。春天或秋天耕地。 这位流行歌手在他年老时搬到了一个偏远的小村庄。 外面正在下大雨,但我们还没有修好屋顶。房间里全是水! 4. 农民们通常在 7. 她们走啊走啊,然后终于走到一个废弃的花园。 8. 一栋办公大楼已经被修建起来了。(被动语态/现在完成时) 短语、句型 1. sth. called ..... (过去分词作定语) 2. fly from A to B / fly to .... 3. since then 4. fly passengers (to...) 5. once...and on another occasion 6. a request from sb... 你去过一个叫 Frinley 的偏远村庄吗? 我决定先从西安飞往深圳。然后我将在深圳呆几天 (这句要求用将来进行时) ,再飞往 台湾。 Mr. White 在他大门外立了个“禁止停车”的标志牌。从那以后,再没有人把车停在他门口了。 坏天气总是破坏我们的野营。有一次,半夜下起了雨;而还有一次,因为大风我们不能搭起来帐篷。 目前,警方已经拒绝了人们的请求。语法重点: 1, The most surprising thing ... is that.... 表语从句 2. 定语从句 who...... 3. lonely alone 4. take / bring/ fetch 5. very / too 最令人激动的是我们赢得了这个比赛。 (表语从句) 我独自一个人居住,但我并不觉得孤独。 她就是那个给我写信的女孩儿。(定语从句) Choice The old man lives on a(n) island and he always feels very . alone; lonely alone alone; alone C. lonely; lonely D. lonely; This must be a house. It is very old and on one lives in it. deserted B. desert C. to desert D. deserting Visitors are not to take pictures in this museum. requested B. ordered C. forced D. begged ** The first textbooks for teaching came out a long time ago. write B. wrote C. writing D. written When he came into the city he often went everywhere . by taxi B. by a taxi C. with taxi D. with a taxi The price of this computer is too . I can’t afford it at all. dear B. expensive C. high D. much The most surprising thing is that he to come here with me yesterday. refused B. refuses C. denies D. denied 表语从句专项练习 The question is (是否我们要开运动会) next week. What I want to know is (英国人是否讲英语). The reason is (我错过了公交车). The trouble is ( 我们没有足够的钱). The most important thing is (这幅画是什 么“意思”). 么“意思”). Choose the correct words and put them in these sentences. The landlord to serve the boy. (refused / denied) If you know you’ve done something wrong, don’t it. (deny / refuse) Can yo


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