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新概念 2第 10 课练习题 一、 根据首字母填单词(每题 1 分,共 10 分) I haven ’ t seen them r . It s us to see how ill she looked. My parents wouldnt a me to go to the party. Shes very m and loves to sing. Type in your PIN code, then press the ENTER k . Smoking can severely d your health. He delights in j music. Dont t me! she yelled. I need a piece of s to tie this package. The i produces a sound similar to a violin. 二、 选择方框中的词或短语用正确形式填空(每题 1 分,共 15 分) Made of Made up of Made from Made in Made by All the furniture in this room was my grandfather. The machine is six main parts. A car is usually steel. That is a perfume the oil of this plant. They are Water is Italy and in fashion here. oxygen(氧) and hydrogen(氢 ). My drawing pencil is this material The team is new players. I ’ e got a bag leather. There is a hole rats. spoil damage destroy injure hurt The storm hundreds of houses. It me to think that you hated me. Angus his leg playing football I dont want to your fun. The school was completely by fire. 三、 根据汉意完成句子(每题 2 分,共 10 分) 你能保守秘密吗? Can you the secret? 他可能保不住他的工作了。 那把椅子是另一个房间的。 That chair in the other room. 这些东西该放在什么地方? do these things ? 我听到那个事故的时候震惊了。 I when I heard about the accident. 四、 仿照例子用两种形式翻译句子(每题 2 分,共 10分) 约翰是我父亲的一位朋友。 John is one of my father ’ s friends. John is a friend of my father. 我的一只公文包很大。 阿丽是我的一位同学。 读书是那个女孩的爱好之一。 我最近找到了你的一本旧书。 玛丽是她的一位女儿。 五、 仿例句将句子改为被动语态 ,或将被动语态改为主动语态(每题 3分,共 Someone has sold out all the colour TV sets before we arrived. 30 分) Someone will finish the work soon. Someone published his “ selected poems1970. ” in Someone are discussing the problem now. Someone are repairing the old clock.


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