人教版五年级英语上册Unit3 What would you like.pptx

人教版五年级英语上册Unit3 What would you like.pptx

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Unit3 What would you like? B Read and write Pre-readingLet’s chant. Pre-readingHello, everybody!Now, clap your hands and chant with me. Pre-readingT: What’s? What’s? What’s your favourite food? Ss: Sandwich,sandwich. It is delicious. Pre-readingT: What’s? What’s? What’s your favourite food?Ss:Tomatoes,tomatoes. They are fresh. Pre-reading healthy Pre-readingsweet Pre-reading(Think and ask)Robin will cook today.Maybe he wants to ask you...(Robin在做饭前可能会问什么问题呢?)What...? Do you like... ? ...? While-reading(Look and choose) A. Diaries(日记) B. Notes(便条) Binbin While-reading(Read and find)Note A is from________to Robin.Note B is from________to Robin. BinbinAB两张字条分别出自谁手快速阅读,并圈画关键信息。 While-reading(Read and find)Note A is from________to Robin.Note B is from________to Robin. BinbinABBinbingrandpa While-reading(Read and match)D.sign-off结束语A.main body 正文C.salutation称呼B.signature署名Wu Binbin While-reading(skimming)Wu BinbinTask 1: Read and circle the words about food.(圈出食物的单词) While-reading(scanning)Whats grandpas favourite food?Why? Whats Wu Binbins favourite food?Why?Whats Wu Binbins favourite vegetable?Task 2: Read quickly and answer the questions.1.3.2.Tips:Underline the key sentences. 用横线划出关键句。 While-reading1. Whats Binbins favourite food ?Why?BinbinReading skill(阅读技巧):Find the key words and underline the key sentences.定位关键词,划出关键句。His favourite food is________ .It is_____.ice creamsweet While-readingWhats Wu Binbins favourite vegetable ?2.BinbinHis favourite vegetable are_____.onions While-reading3.Whats grandpas favourite food ?Why?His favouritefood is________.It is________. chickendelicious While-reading1. Wu Binbin doesn’t like salad. ( )2. Wu Binbin doesn’t like chicken. ( )3. Grandpa likes vegetables,but he doesn’t like carrots. ( )BinbinTask 3: Read and tick( ) or cross( ).Work in pairs.同桌间三人互相讨论,判断正误。Tips:Underline the key sentences.用横线划出关键句。 BinbinWhile-reading(Read and judge)1. Wu Binbin doesn’t like salad. (



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