人教版三年级英语下册Unit 4 Where is my car.pptx

人教版三年级英语下册Unit 4 Where is my car.pptx

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Unit 4 Where is my car?Part BLet’s talk小学英语人教PEP版三年级下册 Self assessment学生自评Peer assessment同伴互评I can read fluently.I can act emotionally.I can create.Assessment Let’s sing Free talk ???MomIt’s in the toy box.Free talkMiss Shang‘s Mom help her find things.Mom, Where is my bag? ?...........???MomAnd where is my book? Its on/in/under the ... ???Mom Its on/in/under the ... where is my bread?Thanks,Mom, bye! Bye! Have a good time! Mike will go camping with us!And he is packing... Watch and predictWhat’s missing? “My” means...说话人Mikes(Mike的) Where is ___ _____?mycap Listen and tickWhere is mike’s cap?Is it in Mike’s bag?A.Yes,it is.肯定回答√(Tip:Listen carefully and tick 仔细听对话,在正确答案下打勾)B.No,it isn’t.否定回答 Listen and answerMom:Is it in your toy box?_________Yes,it is.Where is Mikes cap?Its in the toy box.Mikes: Think and brainstormLook,Mike is happy.Polite 有礼貌的Careless 马虎的 Thanks, Mum.Bye!What do you think of Mike and Mike’ s Mom?你觉得Mike和他的妈妈是什么样的人呢?Helpful 乐于助人的 Have a good time(玩得开心,过得愉快,常用于祝福他人。) Listen, read and imitate(Tip:注意说话人的语音语调哦!) Act it outFluencyPronounciationIntonationGestureEmotionally(Tip:两人一组绘声绘色地演对话!) Guess and playWhere is my ruler?Is it in the desk?No,it isn’t.Is it under the book?Yes,it is.(Tip:结合句型,让你的同桌猜一猜你的物品位置吧!)小组对话后,请4小组上台进行对话,一名同学问,一名同学猜测,全班同学根据实际位置回答是或否。 Make a new dialogue Setting1:(场景1)Your brother/sister and you are going to the zoo. Your father and mother help you pack and find the things.Setting2...(自拟场景)Yes it is./No,it isn’t.Mom, Where is my ______?Is it in/on/under the______?Dad, Where is my _______?Is it in/on/under the ______?Yes it is./No,it isn’t.Thanks, Mom and dad, bye!Bye! Have a good time!(Tip:四人一组创编对话。) What can you learn from the dialogue?SummaryWords:cap, toy boxSentences:Where is... Is it in/on/under... Yes,it is./No,it isn’t What else?Put away your things.Pack your schoolbag.Say goodbaye.Say thank you. Homework必做:1.Listen, read and act the dialogue.选做:1. Help your frtend or family menber f



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