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一.词汇课真题 1.题目:Weather 2.内容: Mark: Hi, Chenjie! This is Mark. Chenjie: Hi, Mark, what’s the weather like in New York? Mark: It’s rainy. How about Beijing? Is it cold? Chenjie: No. it isn’t. It’s warm. 3.要求: (1) 设计词汇教学,讲解加下划线的生词; (2) 运用游戏操练生词; (3) 全英试讲,配合板书设计; (4) 试讲时间约10分钟。 二.词汇课试讲示范逐字稿 Warm-up Hello,boys andgirls. Nice to seeyou again. First, let’s chant a song together. Every one,please stand up. Chant with me. “rain rain go away”,you remember it, right? Ok~ let’s begin.Onetwothreego! “rainraingoaway.Comeagainanother day. Little Abby wants to play. So come again another day.Rain rain go away. Come again another day. Little Abby wants to play. So come again another day.”Oh, you all did a good job. Sit down please. Today, I’ll divide you into 3 groups. Group A, Group B and Group C. Every one ofyou needs toget points foryour owngroup.The more, the better.Let’s see which group will be the winner. Let’s go! Lead-in Well, boys and girls. Before class, I prepare a short video clip for you. Please look at the screen. What can you see? (扫视) Exactly! You can see the sun, clouds and the shaking tree! Good.You are so careful ! Wow, Sally says she sees a reporter in this video. Great! Actually, this is a weather report. Boys and girls.Today our topic is weather. (板书) Lets come to the class together. Presentation Well, please imagine that it’s Sunday today. And we can see the sun in the sky. Your friend Lilin asksyou togo to the park. Suddenly, we see the sky turns into black. And we can hear the sound “hong long long, hong long long” Guess, what’s the weather like then? Who can tell me? Yes. Rain. Right? Good. Or, we can say “It’s rainy.” I willgive Group A 1 point. Read after me “rainy, rainy” boys you say “rainy”good. Girls you say “rainy”. What’s the weather like in the park? It’s~~rainy. (结合句型学习新词:rainy) Excellent! I like your pronunciation (称赞学生,体现师生互动和过程 性评价). Let’s go on. It’s rainy outside. But you and Lilin don


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