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6月2日讲评课导学案 总体思路 通过小组讨论集思广益,打开学生的做题思路,在整体理解文章大意的同时锻炼学生对于细节问题的精确搜寻和定位;通过小组展示的手段加强学生组织语言及表达的能力;通过拓展训练检验并提升学生的实际运用能力。 教学步骤 Step1 小组讨论及要求 讨论内容:C篇,D篇及完形填空重点错题。 讨论要求: 1.阅读理解题,首先分析清楚问题及关键词,然后找到答案出处和做题思路,同时分析排除错误选项的依据。 2.完形填空题,首先讨论四个选项的词性及词义差别,然后带入对应位置进行上下文分析,鼓励同学们多查阅词典。 3.讨论时间:10分钟。 Step2 小组展示和评价 1.小组内主讲人展示,小组成员可进行补充。 2.展示者声音洪亮,条理清晰,言简意赅。 3.根据展示情况进行评价和赋分,最多不超过4分。 Step3 重点知识与拓展 一.重点词汇及短语 1.prompt fears of climate instablity prompt adj. done without delay 迅速的/及时的 Your prompt reply would be appreciated. prompt v. cause sth. to happen 促使/导致/激起 The speech by Trump prompted anger among Chinese people. instablity n. 不稳定/不稳固 stable adj.稳定的/稳固的/牢固的 2. Its believed to be behind an alarming decline. 惊人的下降 alarming adj. causing worry and fear 使人惊恐的/惊慌的 alarm clock n. 闹铃 be alarmed by/at sth. 为...而担心/恐惧 Lucy was alarmed at the thought of traveling alone. 3. rental services are growing in popularity. rent v. 租用/租借 rental n. 租金/出租 popularity n.受欢迎/流行 4. He credits its success to the concepts of the sharing economy. credit n.赊欠/借款/赞扬/学分 credit card 信用卡 v.存钱/归于 The printing method is credited to ancient China. 5.give off to produce sth. such as a smell,heat,etc.发出光和热等 The fridge gave off a terrible smell due to the power cut. 6.go over sth to examine or check sth carefully. 仔细检查 Go over your homework before you hand it in. 7.enquire about sb/sth to ask sb for some information 咨询 I called the station to enquire about train times. 8.a full physical examination 全面的身体检查/体检 9.rescue operation 营救行动/活动 二.长难句分析 C篇 1.This melted ice leads to a rise in sea levels that can threaten the safety of coastal areas. 2.Scientists saw glaciers that have retreated by more than 100 meters in Discovery Bay where the snow melted in little more than a week, leaving dark exposed rock. D篇 She also points out that working women make up one of the biggest consumer groups subscribing to their services. Step4 能力提升与运用 1.The United States of America is now going through political and economic ________ (stable) due t


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