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国家开放大学电大本科《人文英语 》期末试题及答案(试卷号:
2021 3 1379)
一、交际用语(共计 分.每小国 分)
10 2
1-5 赃:选择正孀的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答 B5 纸上.
L Interestingly# ! notice tliat there are some Chinese words in English as well!
A. Oht rcnlly? Can you give mr Mime examples?
H. Yes they were borrowed from English long aR x
C. No problem. You must have already known many Chinese words.
2. — I often feel lonely when I engage in my online learning. ________________________________
— 1 join the online course community.
A. How do you think about it?
R How do you dc«l with thix problem?
C. How often do you engage in online learning?
3. — How can 1 deliver my speech in an attractive way?
X Remember the games shouldnt be too complicHted.
H. Im afraid that my nudicnce rnay find my speech boring.
C. Make sure that you are talking, not just reciting your dndt ・
4. 一 I can imagine haw happy she will be with you next time-
A. Yeah, there are many Advaniages in staying home •
Be Thxnk 』I hope my grandmother will recover soon.
C You can play gnmes with her like crosswords or chess-
5. — Why do you think there is w much crime?
A. On the Internet • therc s little protection for kids.
R Parents arc too busy to spend time with their kids.
C In my opinion* our effon* in crime prevention arc not good enough.
二、同汇语法(共计 分,每小题 分)
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