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Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 174 (2015)3641-3644
Social and Behavioral Sciences
INTE 2014
A brief overview of the teaching case method in Brazil
Jose A.A.Salles* Luana F.Salles; Rosiele F.Pinto?
ALFA, S?o Paulo, Brasil
UNINOVE, Sao Paulo, Brasil
The teaching case method helps develop how to articulate a point of view and defend your arguments. As one of its main goals this method promotes critical thinking and encourages discussion in the classroom. Thus, this work seeks to stimulate the debate on teacher and student interaction through the presentation of the methodology of teaching case as a possible alternative to streamline the education of business administration in Brazil. To achieve this aim this article begins by presenting the teaching case method, followed by a brief history of the case method in Brazil. This work was conducted through literature review in articles, books and journals.
◎2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
( /licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Peer-review under responsibility of the Sakarya University
Keywords: Teaching case methods; case study; Brazil.
The courses in Business Administration have developed rapidly in Brazil. In 1944 was created the center Fundacào Getúlio Vargas(FGV) in order to develop research and teaching in the area of business management. In 1952, FGV founded the first school of public administration in Brazil and Latin America, the Brazilian School of Public Administration - EBAP. In 1954, the School of Business Administration of Sao Paulo is created - EAESP (Castro, 1981). The evolution in education draws attention, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Education
*Corresponding author.Tel,+005511053010545.
E-mail address: jose.salles@alfa.br
1877-0428 ◎2015 The Authors.
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