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【2021小升初英语】 浙江省杭州市育才中学初一新生入学考试卷 浙江省杭州市育才中学初一新生入学考试卷 PAGE 8 浙江省杭州市育才中学初一新生入学考试卷 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 得分 一、语音与字母。(10分) A.请你选出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(7分) ( ater B.watch C.what D.wash ( eat B.headache C.elbow D.dress ( ear B.pear C.near D.dear ( )4.A. jeeps B.pens C.books D.jumps y B.day C.Tuesday D.way ( )6.A.thanks B.there C.south D.three ed B.wanted C.shopped D.washed B.请选出下列每组字母中读音包含的元音音素与其他三个不同的一项。(3分) D.X 二、词汇运用。(20分) A.选择正确的单词填空,注意其正确的形式,每个词限用一次。(5分) beach twelve cloud fast you 1.—What will the weather be like tomorrow? —It will be ,I think. 2.On her birthday,she got a doll from her parents as a gift. 3.Don’t swim in the river by .It’s very dangerous. 4.He is the winner.He runs the of all. 5.In Dalian,there are a lot of nice along the sea. B.根据句子的意思,填入所缺的单词。(5分) 1.Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday of in a year. 2.In ,trees turn green and flowers come out.It’s the best season in a year. 3.We call Sundays and Saturdays . We don’t need to go to school or go to work. 4. Day is the most important festival in western countries. 5.—What’s the time? —Sorry,my doesn’t work. C.你知道大写的短语或句子的真正意思吗?请选出它们的正确含义。(5分) ( )1.I like to drink“BLACK TEA”. A.红茶 B.黑色茶叶 C.红色茶叶 D.黑茶 ( )2.He is BLACK AND BLUE. A.黑一块蓝一块 B.青一块紫一块 C.身上很脏 D.穿黑蓝相间的衣服 ( )3.You are wrong again.I CAN’T STAND YOU. A.帮不了你了 B.不能站在你身上 C.受不了你 D.不能帮你站住 ( )4.You call me so early.WHAT’S UP? A.什么在上面 B.多谢 C.真讨厌 D.怎么了 ( )5.—I’m afraid. I’ll get a low mark in English test. —Oh.CHEER UP!Maybe you didn’t do too badly. A.去干一杯 B.太棒了 C.真倒霉 D.振作起来 D.请找出与下列画线部分意思相同的选项。(5分) ( )1.Look out,don’t break the glasses. A.Look out of the window B.Look after C.Take care ( )2.They can speak a little Jap


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