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Lesson128He can’t be…He must be… ill tired dentist doctor read sleep Please listen to the audio and answer the questions according to the pictures. Is he a doctor or a dentist ?He can’t be a doctor.He must be a dentist. Is she Danish or Norwegian ?She can’t be Danish.She must be Norwegian. Are they listening to the stereo or watching television?They can’t be listening to the stereo.They must be watching television. She can’t be…She must be…She can’t be forty.She must be fifty. It can’t be…It must be…It can’t be the 20th.It must be the 21st. He can’t be…He must be…He can’t be the youngest.He must be the oldest. He can’t be…He must be…He can’t be reading.He must be sleeping. 看!这个正在奔跑的小女孩叫Alice。 她是几年级的学生?为什么在奔跑?请你观察图片,写出你的推测吧! Look at this girl. Her name is Alice. I think she must be a student in Grade3. She must be late for school. So she has to run as quickly as she can. I guess she must have got up late this morning. I’m sure she can’t be late next time.提示词:must , can’t , I think, I guess, I’m sure... 表示最有力的推论的最常用的形式是must和can’t。这时,它们一般与系动词be连用,肯定的推断用must be来表示,否定的推断用can’t be来表示,而不用mustn’t be。具体分以下几种情况:—情态动词must和 can表推测(一) 1 对现在情况的推测—情态动词must和 can表推测(一)肯定句:must beHe must be French. He can speak French very well. 他一定是法国人。他法语说得非常好。否定句:can’t beThat can’t be Mary. She’s in hospital. 那不可能是玛丽,她住院了。 2 对现在正在进行的动作的推测—情态动词must和 can表推测(一)肯定句:must be doingTom must be doing his homework in his bedroom. 汤姆一定是在房间做作业呢。否定句:can’t be doingHe can’t be waiting for us. 他不可能还在等我们。 3 对将来情况的推测—情态动词must和 can表推测(一)肯定句:must +动词原形+ 表示将来的时间状语It must be fine tomorrow. 明天一定是个晴天。否定句:can’t+动词原形+ 表示将来的时间状语He can’ t be at home tonight. 今晚他不可能在家。 1、You are going to Tibet(西藏)by bike? You ______ be joking!2、He looks very young. He ______ be over forty.3、The ambulance(救护车)is in a hurry. Someone ______ be seriously ill.4、The man _______ be from England. He looks like an Indian.5、He ______ be sleeping in the bedroom now. He went out a moment ago.6、There’s no light on. There ______be


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