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城镇内涝防治技术规范 Technicalcodeforurban floodingpreventionandcontrol 2017-01-21发布 2017-07-01实施 《城镇内涝防治技术规范》(GB 51222-2017) 目 次 1 总 则 (1) 2 术语和符号 (2) 2.1 术语 (2) 2.2 符号 (4) 3 城镇内涝防治系统 (6) 3.1 一般规定 (6) 3.2 技术要求 (7) 3.3 雨水量 (8) 4 源头减排设施 (10) 4.1 一般规定 (10) 4.2 渗透设施 (12) 4.3 转输设施 (16) 4.4 调蓄设施 (17) 5 排水管渠设施 (19) 5.1 一般规定 (19) 5.2 管渠系统 (19) 5.3 管渠调蓄设施(22) 6 排涝除险设施 (23) 6.1 一般规定 (23) 6.2 城镇水体 (23) 6.3 调蓄设施 (24) 6.4 行泄通道 (25) 7 运行维护 (27) 7.1 一般规定 (27) 《城镇内涝防治技术规范》(GB 51222-2017) 7.2 日常维护 (27) 7.3 应急管理 (28) 附录 A 内涝防治设计报告(30) 附录B 内涝防治设计校核 (32) 本规范用词说明 (35) 引用标准名录 (36) 《城镇内涝防治技术规范》(GB 51222-2017) Contents 1 General provisions (1) 2 Terms and symbols (2) 2.1 Terms (2) 2.2 Symbols (4) 3 Urban flooding prevention and control system (6) 3.1 General requirements (6) 3.2 Technical requirements (7) 3.3 Storm water quantity (8) 4 Source control facilities (10) 4.1 General requirements (10) 4.2 Infiltration facilities (12) 4.3 Conveyance facilities (16) 4.4 Detention and retention facilities (17) 5 Storm sewer system (19) 5.1 General requirements (19) 5.2 Storm sewer (19) 5.3 Sewer detention and retention facilities(22) 6 Excess storm water prevention and control facilities (23) 6.1 General requirements (23) 6.2 Water bodies (23) 6.3 Detention and retention facilities (24) 6.4 Emergency stormwater conveyance (25) 《城镇内涝防治技术规范》(GB 51222-2017) 7 Operation and management (27) 《城镇内涝防治技术规范》(GB 51222-2017) 7.1 General requirements (27) 7.2 Routine management (27) 7


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