《if 引导的条件状语从句》教案.doc

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PAGE PAGE 5 英 语 教 学 设 计 课题类型: 复 习 课 内 容: The usage of “if” Review the usage of “if” = 1 \* ROMAN I. Teaching aims and demands = 1 \* roman i. Knowledge objects: 1. Review the usage of “ if ”in adverbial clauses of condition 2. Review the usage of “if” in subjunctive mood 3. Review the usage of “if” in objective clauses = 2 \* roman ii. Ability object: Train students’ speaking ability = 3 \* roman iii. Moral object: Make students know more about helping the people in trouble = 2 \* ROMAN II. Teaching key points 1. How to tell the differences among the three situations 2. How to do exercises more correctly according to what we reviewed = 3 \* ROMAN III. Teaching difficult points 1. Tell the differences between the usage of “if” in adverbial clauses of condition and in subjunctive mood 2. How to use “if” in these three different situations = 4 \* ROMAN IV. Teaching methods 1. Sentence chains activity to help 2. Competition 3. Talk about the pictures = 5 \* ROMAN V. Teaching aids some colorful cards, The blackboard , A projector = 6 \* ROMAN VI. Teaching procedures Step = 1 \* ROMAN I. lead in and review the usage of “if” in adverbial clauses of condition. Listen to a song“If you’re happy”. Students listen to it and summarize the usage of “if” in adverbial clauses of condition. eg, 1. If it rains tomorrow, I won’t go shopping. 2. If he is free, he may help you. (use a song to lead in the grammar, students may be interested in it, it also activates the class atmosphere) Step = 2 \* ROMAN II. Sentence chain Divide the class into two groups, students in each group make sentences using if adverbial clauses of condition one by one, the group can’t follow will lose the game. (Consolidate the usage of “if” in adverbial clauses of condition) Step = 3 \* ROMAN III. Review the usage of “if” in subjunctive mood Show a video of the movie “Da Hua Xi You”. Then let students know the meaning of “if” here is “如果”, but it is impossible, this is the difference be


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