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广西壮族钦州市钦北区2023年考研《英语一》临考冲刺试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Emergency on the Mountain Ana was a 12-year-old girl living in the mountain. Her 1 was to become a village nurse like Leta, her neighbor. She spent almost all her spare time reading the 2 book by herself. This morning, Leta went to Santiago to 3 a short-term training class by a group of volunteer doctors for first aiders to learn medical skills. Before she left, Ana begged Leta to take her along but Leta 4 , saying that Ana was too 5 to learn anything important. Ana was very 6 this morning, so she decided to wander around to refresh herself. On the hillside, she saw Rafi standing on a donkey’s bare back, some kids around him. Rafi was only 13, but he was always doing something to get 7 . “No wonder adults don’t 8 kids with anything important”, Ana said to herself. She had just turned away 9 she heard a few screams and Rafi fell off the donkey. Ana ran to where Rafi was lying and 10 that one of his legs bent a little sideways between the knee and the ankle and that all the other kids were 11 not knowing what to do. She 12 what the first-aid book said about 13 legs. “Vin!” Ana called to one of the boys. “Go and get Rafi’s mama and find someone with a truck.” She turned 14 the other kids. “Give me your shirts. We need something to 15 his leg with so it doesn’t move around.” Ana found a strong, straight stick, which she’d use to 16 his leg. She carefully wrapped the boys’ shirts around his leg and the stick. When Ana was done, Rafi came back to himself. Ana 17 comforted him until Rafi’s mama came over. Behind her was a neighbor in a pickup truck. They lifted Rafi into the truck, then 18 down the dusty hillside toward the hospital. The next day, Leta came to Ana’s home. “I h



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