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日喀则地区南木林县2023年考研《英语一》高分冲刺试卷 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) For our family vacations when our children were younger, we often went river rafting. Rafting meant we could be together as a family, 1 with the beauty of nature, and meet other people. Plus, it was 2 , and being on the river meant our family never had to ask that 3 of questions: “What are we going to do today?” It was always clear — 4 the boat and paddle downstream! This was our method for strengthening family bonds with less 5 . We also found that the river is always a great 6 . For example, sometimes your boat goes through a particularly difficult rapid and you find yourself thrown out of the boat and into the water. When this happens, sometimes you get caught in a 7 , where the water is churning(搅动)back upstream. What do you do? The natural tendency is to crazily attempt to swim 8 , but in this situation, the water is circulating backward, 9 you are actually swimming against the current. This is very dangerous; it is quite possible to 10 yourself and be unable to get out of the hole. Unfortunately, people have 11 this way. However, if you give up swimming and 12 , the water pulls you in and for an instant takes you upstream. Usually, this is enough for you to be 13 “spit out” of the hole. A 14 situation came up in a recent coaching meeting I had with a high-ranking engineer of a Fortune 100 company, who described his week as feeling as though he were “swimming upstream.” The more 15 he felt, the harder he worked, and the less time he spent with his managers, and with his family. He was unaware that he had become so 16 in fighting the daily battles that he had completely 17 the larger stream, the more vital 18 of his leadership role. Be aware of 19 you place your attention. If you


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