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考研《英语一》2023年四川省绵阳市江油市统考试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Off goes your alarm clock! Your eyes snap open! What is the first thing on your 1 ? Do you calculate how long you can hit snooze (回笼觉)? Are you already going over the days to-do list? 2 checking your phone? You are definitely not 3 if any or all of these morning habits sound familiar. 4 , 60 percent of people check their phones immediately when they 5 , according to a 2015 survey. You stop using your smartphone in bed seriously - these mind-numbing routines are among what you will 6 most in life. So why not take a 7 approach? At the graduation ceremony in Stanford University in 2005, Steve Jobs made a speech, advising his 8 to start each morning with one specific sentence. Doing so, he said, will 9 the way we deal with our day-to-day lives. Jobs got the idea after reading a quote about 10 when he was 17. From then on, he started each morning by looking in the 11 and asking, If today were the last day of my 12 , would I want to do what Im about to do today? Now, 13 it for yourself. Asking yourself this powerful question every day requires you to deeply 14 what you do on a daily basis - and if you find satisfaction in it. It can also help you 15 your tasks to the fundamental ones. 16 wasting time with mindless activities like surfing the internet, youll start filling your days with more satisfying things, such as spending time with family and friends. 17 , youll stop worrying about what other people think of you; your energy and focus should be 18 , like improving yourself, reaching your goals and making an impact on the world. 19 you have made a habit of asking this one simple question every morning, congratulations! You are 20 finding the secret to living a me


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