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循化撒拉族自治县2023年考研《英语一》考前冲刺试卷 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) When I was 17 , I met a famous doctor named Paul Bragg . He gave me one of the most valuable 1 of my life : a statement that was filled with words of 2 . To this very day , I still 3 it : I am a genius(天才) , and I apply my wisdom . 4 , I was a high school dropout(辍学学生) and was living in a tent in Hawaii . I had a very limited vocabulary and had never 5 reading a single book . When Dr. Bragg taught me this statement , he told me to say it with feelings 6 it were true. To do so seemed so far away from 7 that it was funny . After saying it many times , 8 , I began to feel what those powerful words meant . 9 every day I continued to say it , and it became 10 to believe : I am a genius , and I apply my wisdom . It was two and a half years later when I really saw the 11 of the statement . I was sitting in a college library 12 by fellow students whom I was helping with higher mathematics . I heard one of the students speak 13 to another . “John is really a 14 !” At the moment , I 15 what Dr. Bragg had taught me , and I 16 to say this statement for the rest of my life . I can’t quite put into words what a(n) 17 this statement has made in my life . 18 it , I was able to change from a dropout to the top of my college class . I think that the key to 19 is putting your true feelings into a statement you 20 and saying it over and over every day . 1、A.enjoyments B.parts C.gifts D.knowledge 2、A.idea B.comfort C.praise D.power 3、A.like B.need C.say D.use 4、A.At the time B.For a while C.All at once D.For the moment 5、A.advised B.finished C.minded D.admitted 6、A.as if B.so that C.in case D.now that 7、A.history B.hope C.life D.reality 8、A.moreover B.however C.otherwise D.


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