Unit2 My schoolbag B read and write课件人教PEP英语四上.pptx

Unit2 My schoolbag B read and write课件人教PEP英语四上.pptx

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Unit 2 My schoolbagB read and write C Story time(Put away our schoolbag)人教PEP版四年级英语上册 Let’s chant English bookcandykeystoystory-booknote-bookWhat’s missing? keytoynotebookcandyChinese bookEnglish bookWhat’s in your schoolbag?I have a (an) ___________.Game Here is a schoolbag. What is in the schoolbag?Lead in What is in the schoolbag?A maths book, an English book,two storybooks, a key,some candies and three pens. A notebook, a key, an English book, a maths book, some candies, two pens and two storybooks. Look and circle Zoom’s books fell out. There are so many books in the schoolbag.(Zoom的书掉到外面了,他的书包太多太多书了。) My schoolbag is heavy.What’s in it?I have a maths book, a Chinese book...Who can you see?ZoomZipWhat should Zoom do?(Zoom应该怎么做?)Put away our schoolbag收拾我们的书包 Now let’s read a story about Zoom’s schoolbag.What can you see in these picure?ZoomZoom’ muma cata schoolbagLook and say Good night, Mum.Wait, Zoom. Put away your books.All right.English book,Chinese book,maths book...Zoom, is everything in your schoolbag?Yes, Mum.Good night.Sweet dreams!Q1: What is Zoom going to do?(Zoom打算做什么?) A.Go to bed.(去睡觉) B.Go to school.(去上学)Good night, Mum.Good night. Sweet dreams!晚安,好梦!Tips:仔细阅读图1-3, 选出正确的答案。Read and choose Wait, Zoom. _________________Zoom,__________________________ Put away your books. in your schoolbag?is everythingA. Put away your books.B. is everything in your schoolbag?Tips:仔细阅读图1,图3Zoom 妈妈的话,选出正确的选项。所有东西都在你书包里面了吗?Read and fill Why zoom’s bag is so heavy?(为什么Zoom的书包那么沉?)There is a cat in Zoom’s schoolbag.Watch and say How does Miss Goat feel?(山羊小姐感觉怎么样?)A.Happy(开心的) B.Surprised(惊讶的) put away 整理Good night, Mum.Wait, Zoom. Put away your books.All right.I should put away my books.Read the story together Zoom puts his books in schoolbag and says “good night” to Mum.Zoom, is everything in your schoolbag?Yes, Mum.Good night. Sweet dreams!Good night,Mum.Have a good dream, Read the story together English book, Chinese book, maths book …But th



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