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临夏回族自治州乡族撒拉族自治县2023年考研《英语一》全真模拟试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) My greatest inspiration is not from a world-known figure, but from the perseverance of a 6-year-old boy. Today, most students are 1 at the beach. I am not among them. 2 , I have devoted the whole day to making sure this event runs wonderfully. After an entire day of 3 , I am standing at the stage handing out prizes to their lucky recipients. Among the golfers are musicians, lawyers and doctors, all of whom 4 for one common cause: Ryan. He looked up at me with his sparkling eyes and smiles. This is his 5 of thanking me for devoting this 6 to helping him. Then, though, I realized he should not thank me, 7 I should thank him. My cousin, Ryan, 8 with autism (自闭症) five years ago, didnt know what his future would mean 9 it. But Ryan works hard, trying to make the smallest 10 every day. I try to put a little bit of Ryan into my 11 . Whenever faced with what seems impossible, I 12 how he is making progress every day. In the past six years, I have learned 13 is necessary to achieve my goals, and that what seems out of my reach may not be so 14 . Ryan has taught me another important lesson: people should not be judged by what they cannot 15 . So far Ive witnessed acts of cruelty against those who are 16 on a daily basis. Ryan is a prime 17 of how people who may be different are still as worthy as others. Since his diagnosis, I have 18 judging people and tried to get others around me to do the same. Ryan would never 19 somebody because he doesnt like the way he/she looks or dresses. He welcomes all people into his life, and I 20 myself because I have learned to do the same. 1、A.enjoying B.behaving C.introducing D.practising 2、A.Thus B.However C.Besides


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