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考研《英语一》2023年修水县模拟试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) It was on a sunny Saturday afternoon in the spring of 1949 that I learned an important life lesson about judging others by their physical appearance. As a senior at a high school, I worked part time as a salesman in a 1 center. The job provided a pleasant working environment and a modest 2 . My weekly paycheck 3 a base salary and commissions(佣金)earned on the 4 of radios and music-related accessories(配件). For maximum 5 at acquiring commissions, especially on sales of higher-priced items, two other teenage salesmen and I used the “up” system, taking turns greeting 6 entering the shop. On that 7 afternoon, a tall, unshaven man walked in wearing clothing more 8 for yard work than for shopping. This slim, 9 fellow was my “up”, but after glancing at his 10 , I quickly concluded my 11 would be more profitably spent with another apparently 12 customer, so I looked at my co-worker Norman and signaled that I was giving up my 13 to him. Norman 14 as this unseemly looking fellow walked to the radio display, pointed at the Trans-Oceanic and asked whether he had six in 15 . Norman looked 16 at me, then turned and went into the storeroom. He immediately 17 and said that there were six. Then the buyer opened his checkbook and waited for Norman to write the 18 . And I was asked to help carry the six Trans-Oceanic boxes to the back seat of the buyer’s car 19 nearby. Ever since that notable afternoon some 68 years ago, I have carefully 20 judging others only on their appearance. 1、A.sports B.music C.drawing D.dancing 2、A.income B.product C.pension D.profit 3、A.determined B.adjusted C.combined D.contributed 4、A.spread B.focus C.sale D.record 5、A.freedom



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