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白河县2023年考研《英语一》最后冲刺试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I’m a boy of 12. Every Saturday night my family and I go out and 1 the homeless people in our city. There are hundreds of people 2 any food or 3 . We have been doing this for several months. We wanted to see 4 it was like in the life of a homeless person. One special thing I’d like to 5 is, my family and I do not eat before we begin our 6 , so we know how it feels to be 7 . We all get together in the kitchen and 8 the food. Some of the meals are sandwiches and cookies and a bottle of water. 9 my mum prepares a steaming 10 delicious meal. We then 11 them all up. I like to write special notes on the bag like “ Best Wishes.” A lot of people 12 homeless people. But not all of them are drug addicts or bad people. Some are 13 nice. Some just had bad things that led to them. At first, we had to gain their 14 , because a lot of people are 15 to them for no good reasons. But now that they see us every week, they 16 have faith in us. We all have to remember that these are people who have 17 . Some of them shake our hands for 18 them food. Some sing and dance happily. After we finished feeding the homeless, it makes me 19 what I have at home. I love feeding the homeless, and making a/an 20 in someone’s life. 1、A.greet B.feed C.visit D.attend 2、A.without B.with C.between D.away from 3、A.parents B.strength C.family D.shelter 4、A.how B.what C.that D.which 5、A.charge B.expect C.mention D.do 6、A.ride B.walk C.performance D.journey 7、A.hungry B.curious C.fearful D.tense 8、A.taste B.eat C.prepare D.share 9、A.sometime B.sometimes C.some times D.some time 10、A.cold B.cool C.strange D.hot 11、A.bag B.break C.use D.give 12、



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