中考英语作文范文-2010湘潭 看图作文 图示信息文字描述.doc

中考英语作文范文-2010湘潭 看图作文 图示信息文字描述.doc

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2010年湖南省湘潭市中考英语 看图作文 图示信息文字描述 书面表达(10分) 上周我校302班对学生上学的交通方式做了一项调查。下图是该班60名学生所采用的交通方式的柱状统计图。请根据该图写一篇学生上学交通方式的短文。(文章应包括图表中的所有信息。文章的开头已给出。词数不限。) Middle school students go to school in many ways. Last week Class 302 of our school made a survey of how the 60 students go to school. This is the result 图示信息文字描述 50%的学生骑自行车上学 50% students go to school by bike or ride a bike to go to school. 20%的学生步行上学 20% students go to school on foot or walk to school. 15%的学生坐公交车上学 15% students go to school by bus or take a bus to go to school. 10%的学生坐小汽车上学 10% students go to school by car or take a car to go to school. 5%的学生坐出租车上学 5% students go to school by taxi or call a taxi to send them to school. 范文和点评 Middle school students go to school in many ways. Last week Class 302 of our school made a survey of how the 60 students go to school. This is the result 50% students ride a bike to go to school ; 20% of the students go to school on foot; 15% students take a bus to go to school. 10% students are droved to school in their parents’ car. The rest students call a taxi to send them to school. From this result, we can see that most students go to school in cheap and easy way. 文字解说图片信息,并挖掘图片深层的内涵信息。 译文 中学生通过多种方式上学。上周我校302班对学生上学的交通方式做了一项调查。下面是调查结果:50%的学生骑自行车上学;20%的学生步行上学;15%的学生坐公交车上学;10%的学生坐小汽车上学;5%的学生坐出租车上学。从调查结果看,我们可以看出大多数学生选用便宜的,简易的方式去上学。 版权归英语角外文书店 店主 李连发, 英语角外文书店 店主预推出《最近5年湖南中考英语作文范文与方法点评》欢迎关注淘宝网店:英语角外文书店


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