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最好仔细阅读后下载,感谢您的使用! 最好仔细阅读后下载,感谢您的使用! PAGE / NUMPAGES 最好仔细阅读后下载,感谢您的使用! 紫色在中西方文化中的差异 --高二五班张柳林 中方 在中国传统文化里,紫并非正色,乃为红色加蓝色组合而成。有关紫色的最早运用。当首见于 \t bbbs://zhidao.baiduaaa/question/_blank 《论语》,《论语·阳货》中有“恶紫之夺朱也,恶郑声之乱雅也,恶利口之覆邦也”。由于《论语》这一典故,人们往往把以邪犯正,以下乱上比作以紫夺朱。王莽篡汉,《汉书·王莽传赞》则书为“紫色蛙声,余分闰位”,把王莽篡汉说成是以紫夺朱,蛙声打鸣。清时之文人曾骂满清王朝为“夺朱非正色,异姓尽称王”,这也是以紫夺朱的运用。 西方 violet( 紫色 ) 一词来源于古代法语中的 violete,意为一种开着紫色花的植物。而purple(紫色)一词来自于拉丁语purpura,是一种软体动物,古代推罗人就是从这种动物身上提取紫色染料的,这种颜色是古罗马 \t bbbs://zhidao.baiduaaa/question/_blank 皇族的专用颜色。   In the traditional color wheel used by painters, violet and purple are both placed between red and blue. Purple occupies the space closer to red, between crimson and violet. Violet is closer to blue, and is usually less intense and bright than purple. Royalty In Europe, since the time of the Tyrian purple worn by Roman Emperors, purple has been the color most associated with royalty.. Piety, faith, penitence(赎罪), and theology In the west, purple or violet is the color most associated with piety and faith. In the Roman Catholic liturgy, purple symbolizes penitence; priests wear a purple garment when they hear confession Purple is also often worn by pastors of Protestant churches, and by bishops of the Episcopal Church of the United States Ambiguity and ambivalence Purple is the color most associated with ambiguity(含糊,暧昧). Like other colors made by combining two primary colors, it is seen as uncertain and equivocal( 模棱两可的;可疑的) Mourning In Britain, purple is sometimes associated with mourning(哀痛,服丧). In Victorian times, close relatives wore black for the first year following a death (deep mourning) , and then replaced it with purple or dark green trimmed(切边,修饰过的) with black. Expressions: become purple with rage狂怒,气得脸色发紫 marry into the purple(女子)嫁入王侯显贵之家,与皇子(或贵族)结婚 the purple帝位;王位;显位;红衣主教的职位 purple patch a period of success or good luck 红运 成功的时期 purple passage /prose 辞藻完美的;华而不实的文章


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