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曼德拉一一与自我对话 Nelson Mandela may well be the most admired human being alive. In fact, it, s difficult to imagine who could compete with him for the title. He went from being prisoner to president, and in the process became an icon. 纳尔逊?曼德拉可以说是当今世上最受景仰的人。事实上很难想象,谁能跟他竞逐这个头衔。 他从阶下囚成为总统,在这过程中,他成为了民众偶像。 The most revealing are two notebooks with drafts of letters he wrote from Robben Island, South Africa,s Alcatraz, where he was serving a life sentence for sabotage. He was allowed to send and receive one letter every six months. And the letters revealed that his passion for his wife Winnie never waned. What a masterpiece!v he wrote, after she sent him a picture of herself. The picture has aroused all the tender feelings in me and softened the grimness that is all around. It has sharpened my longing for you and our sweet and peaceful home. ” 与自我对话Conversations with Myself 最真情流露的是两本笔记,内有他在罗宾岛写 的信件草稿;那是南非的恶魔岛,他因为颠覆国家罪被判在那里服无期徒刑。他获准每六个 月寄收一封信。这些书信透露出他对太太云妮的爱从不曾退减。“真是一幅杰作!”在云妮 给他寄去其照片后,他写道。“照片激起我心中的万般柔情,抚慰这周遭一切的冷酷。其加 深了我对你,还有对我们和谐宁静的家的渴望。” Winnie had become Mandela,s voice on the outside and the apartheid regime came down on her with a vengeance. She was repeatedly thrown into jail and tortured. The struggle was now not only devastating their lives, their two young daughters had been effectively abandoned. Mandela was incredibly blunt about what awaited them. “My Darlings, “ he wrote. Once again, our beloved Mommy has been arrested and now she and Daddy are away in jail. You may live like orphans, without your own home and parents. You will get no birthday or Christmas parties, no presents or new dresses, no shoes or toys. ” 监狱外,云妮是曼德拉的代言人,种族隔离政府向她报复。她多次被送入狱,遭受折磨。这 样的煎熬不仅毁了他们的生活,两个年幼女儿实际上也处于无人照料的境地。曼德拉对她们 所要面对的命运也毫不讳言。他写道:“亲爱的宝贝,我们亲爱的妈妈再次被捕了。现在她 和爸爸遥在监狱中,你们可能会过着像孤儿般的生活,无家无父母照料。没办法庆祝生日或 办圣诞晚会,没有礼物或新裙,没有新鞋子或玩具。” He never doubted that the racist regime would be overthrown. So even back then, he started preparing. First move learn the language of the oppressor, Afrikaans. 他深信种族歧视政府会被


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