备战2020年高考 外刊精读与练习Could you be fleitarian 试做一名弹性素食者.docx

备战2020年高考 外刊精读与练习Could you be fleitarian 试做一名弹性素食者.docx

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PAGE PAGE 2 备战 2020 年高考 外刊精读与练习(学案) Could you be flexitarian? 试做一名弹性素食者 语篇导读 你能不能少吃肉、多吃蔬菜和水果来保护环境?一种叫做 “弹性素食主义” 的新概念近两年来逐渐流行起来,据说这种饮食有助于减缓地球气候变化,而且对人们的健康也有好处。本集节目讨论饮食新时尚 - 弹性素食主义。 Step 1 Vocabulary 词汇表 stuff yourself 大吃大喝 ethical 道德的 diet 日常饮食 food waste 食品浪费 get your teeth into something 专注做某事 serving (饭食的)一份 flexitarian 弹性素食者 red meat 红肉(由指牛肉、猪肉、羊肉) plant-based 植物性的,基于植物的 digest (双关语)消化,理解 halfway house 折中办法 greenhouse gas emissions 温室气体排放 vegetarian 素食者 abstain 节制 hard to swallow (双关语)难以下咽,令人难以接受 chomp 大声地咀嚼lean (肉)瘦的supplement 补充,增加 ingredient (食品的)成分,食材 vegan 纯素食主义者(不食用、不使用任何动物产品) veganism 纯素食主义 flexitarianism 弹性素食主义 Step 2 Reading and understanding. What kind of food do you eat? Are you conscious of the types of food you consume or do you stuff yourself silly with whatever is available? Today, we are constantly bombarded with media reports about research on the right diet to follow to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle or lose weight - but its hard to know which one to pick and, once chosen, its harder still to stick to it. And now theres another choice to get our teeth into. A flexitarian diet involves eating plant-based foods and only occasionally eating meat and fish. You might think this is a halfway house to being a vegetarian by not completely abstaining from meat. But if vegetarianism is hard to swallow and you fancy chomping on the occasional lean steak, then this could be the choice for you. This eating style allows you to supplement some ingredients that you wouldnt get in a stricter vegan diet – another trend growing in popularity. And like veganism, flexitarianism isnt about eating carefully to help you lose a few pounds - its something people choose for ethical reasons, to help the planet. And a study into the global food system and how it affects the climate, has found that eating mainly plant-based foods is one of three key steps towards a sustainable future for all by 2050. This research found that food waste will need to be halved a



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