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英语读后续写素材积累——心理描写 紧张心理 1. With her heart racing, she tried to calm herself down before the big presentation. (心跳加速的她试图在重要的演讲前冷静自己。) 2. Despite her efforts to appear composed, her mind was in turmoil. (尽管她努力保持镇静,但她的心理却很烦乱。) 3. Fearing the worst, she couldnt help but imagine all the possible outcomes. (担心最糟糕的结果,她不禁想象了所有可能的结果。) 4. With a sense of impending doom, she braced herself for the worst. (感到即将来临的毁灭感,她为最坏的情况做好了准备。) 5. Despite her best efforts to remain calm, her nerves got the best of her. (尽管她尽力保持冷静,但她的神经却支配了她。) 6. With each passing moment, her anxiety grew stronger. (随着时间的推移,她的焦虑感越来越强。) 7. Paralyzed by fear, she couldnt bring herself to move. (被恐惧所束缚,她无法动弹。) 8. With her heart in her throat, she xxxx a deep breath and stepped forward. (心怀恐惧,她深呼吸并向前迈去一步。) 9. Despite her reservations, she xxxx she had to face her fears head-on. (尽管她有所保留,但她知道她必须直面自己的恐惧。) 10. With her palms sweating and her stomach in knots, she prepared for the worst. (手心出汗,胃口紧绷,她为最坏的情况做好了准备。) 11. In xxx xxxx of danger, she found an inner strength she never knew she had. (面对危险,她发现了自己从未意识到的内在力量。) 12. With her heart pounding, she summoned the courage to speak her mind. (心跳加速,她鼓起勇气说出自己的想法。) 13. Despite xxx uncertainty of xxx future, she refused to let fear control her. (尽管未来不确定,她拒绝让恐惧控制自己。) 14. With her confidence shaken, she sought the support of her loved ones. (自信动摇,她寻求亲人的支持。) 15. Despite the obstacles in her path, she refused to let them defeat her. (尽管路上有障碍,她拒绝让它们打败自己。) 害怕心理 1. With each passing moment, the fear that had haunted her for years grew stronger. 随着时间的流逝,多年来一直萦绕在她心头的恐惧变得更加强烈。 2. She couldnt help but tremble at the thought of what might happen next. 想到接下来可能发生的事情,她不禁颤抖起来。 She couldnt shake off the nagging feeling that danger loomed just around the corner. 她无法摆脱那种困扰的感觉,觉得危险恰好就在拐角处潜伏着。 4. Her heart skipped a beat as the sound of footsteps echoed through the empty corridors. 当脚步声在空荡的走廊回荡起来时,她的心脏漏跳了一拍。 5. If only she could escape from this terrifying nightmare and wake up in the sa



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