四年级上册Unit1 Nice to meet you! -L1 教案 湘少版英语.docx

四年级上册Unit1 Nice to meet you! -L1 教案 湘少版英语.docx

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课题 Unit1 Nice to meet you!-lesson 1 主备人 授课人 一、教学目标 语言能力: 1.能运用 “Nice to meet you” “How are you?” “Glad to see you”以及等句子进行问候,并对此做出回应;复习巩固打招呼用语。 2.能运用“My name is ...” “I’m ...” “This is ...”来介绍自己和他人。 思维品质: 学生能够理解不同的见面用语,并在实际生活中分析不同的场景进行恰当交流。 学习能力: 1.培养学生根据不同时间段进行交流的交际能力; 2.培养学生根据旧知推导出新知的推理能力; 文化意识: 1.学生能在日常生活中礼貌与长辈、朋友打招呼,培养良好的沟通能力与沟通技巧。 2.体会中外文化中不同的打招呼方式,培养学生国际视野,促进学生了解不同的国家文化兴趣。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:自我介绍,运用“Nice to meet you”向第一次见面的人问候。 难点:区分 “Nice to meet you.”与“Nice/Glad to see you.”用法。 教具准备 PPT、人物头饰 教学过程: Step 1 Preparation(6mins) 1.Greetings(PPT3)(6min) T:It’s the first English class in this term, and I want to say hello to you. Let’s sing together. T:Now,what greetings did you hear? T:How to respond them?Let’s chant. T:How do we answer “I’m glad to see you again”? S:I’m glad to see you,too. Step2 Presentation(20mins) 1.Learn the key sentence:Glad/Nice to see you.(PPT4)(2min) 2.Let’s chant.(PPT5)(2min) T:Now,let’s practise,I say hello,you say hi.Hello. S:Hi. 3.Leading in(PPT6)(1min) T:Today,here comes a new friend,how can we say hello to him? S:Nice to meet you. 4.Learn the new word: meet.(PPT7-8)(2min) T:How to pronounce “ee”? T:How can we answer“Nice to meet you”? S:Nice to meet you,too. 5.Introduce a new character:Paddington.(PPT10)(1min) T:Paddington is a happy bear in a forest. However, the forest was on fire and he lost his home. He has to find a home in London now. Let’s see what will happen to him. T:Hey, boys and girls, have a guess, can Paddington find a new home successfully? Ss: Yes! T:Ah ... what a pity, nobody helped the bear, do you know why? Ss:Because he didn’t greet people politely. (引导学生说出原因) 6.Review the greetings according to time(PPT12)(2min) T:So, Who can share some good ideas about greetings? S2:Hi! (出示Tip1和图片提示学生,复习根据时间问候) T:Then who can try to say? S3:Good morning! T:Now look at the station, tick the right one for Paddington. Ss:Good evening! (出示图片) 7.Choose proper greeting way.(PPT14-15)(3min) T:Look,here are our old friends.Can y



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