一维、二维、三维高斯积分点及权重-Gauss integrations and weights.doc

一维、二维、三维高斯积分点及权重-Gauss integrations and weights.doc

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Gauss integrations and weights (Containing the program) 高斯积分点以及权重 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1. 1D bar element(p181 computation mechanics) 2 2. 2D triangle element(p230 computation mechanics) 4 3. 2D quadrilateral element(p182 computation mechanics) 7 4. 3D tetrahedron element(p231 computation mechanics) 9 5. 3D hexahedron element (p187 computation mechanics) 11 1D bar element(p181 computation mechanics) Order n Accuracy grade (2*n-1) Location ξ Weight w 1 1 1 0.0 2.0 2 3 1 -1/√3 1.0 2 1/√3 1.0 3 5 1 -√0.6 5/9 2 0.0 8/9 3 √0.6 5/9 4 7 1 0.861136311594053 0.347854845137454 2 0.339981043584856 0.652145154862546 3 -0.339981043584856 0.652145154862546 4 -0.861136311594053 0.347854845137454 5 9 1 0.906179845938664 0.236926885056189 2 0.538469310105683 0.478628670499366 3 0 0.568888888888889 4 -0.538469310105683 0.478628670499366 5 -0.906179845938664 0.236926885056189 6 11 1 0.932469514203152 0.171324492379170 2 0.661209386466265 0.360761573048139 3 0.238619186083197 0.467913934572691 4 -0.238619186083197 0.467913934572691 5 -0.661209386466265 0.360761573048139 6 -0.932469514203152 0.171324492379170 12 23 1 -0.981560634246732 0.04717533638647547 2 0.904117256370452 0.1069393259953637 3 -0.7699026741943177 0.1600783285433586 4 -0.5873179542866143 0.2031674267230672 5 -0.3678314989981804 0.2334925365383534 6 -0.12523340851114688 0.2491470458134027 7 0.12523340851114688 0.2491470458134027 8 0.3678314989981804 0.2334925365383534 9 0.5873179542866143 0.2031674267230672 10 0.7699026741943177 0.1600783285433586 11 0.904117256370452 0.1069393259953637 12 0.981560634246732 0.04717533638647547 root3 = 1./sqrt(3.) ; r15 = .2*sqrt(15.) nip = ubound( s , 1 ) w = (/5./9.,8./9.,5./9./); v=(/5./9.*w,8./9.*w,5./9.*w/) select case (element) case(line) select case(nip) case(1) s(1,1)=0. ; wt(1)=2. case(2) s(1,1)=root3 ; s(2,1)=-s(1,1) ; wt(1)=1. ; wt(2)=1.


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