Wow English Silver学习跟踪,可直接打印.docx

Wow English Silver学习跟踪,可直接打印.docx

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主题 时长 序号.主题-部分(涉及单词)_故事/歌曲 时长 1st 2nd 3rd Wow!Silver-Unit 1 Wow!Silver-单元1 8:41 1.1 Welcome back to Earth()_story 4:19 1.1欢迎回到地球()_故事 1.2 The Season Song(spring, summer, autumn, winter)_song 4:22 1.2季节之歌(春,夏,秋,冬)_歌曲 Wow!Silver-Unit 2 Wow!Silver-单元 2 14:43 2.1 Steves Surprise Party(choose, find, bring, hide, catch)_story 5:49 2.1史蒂夫的惊喜派对(选择,找到,带,藏,接住)_ 故事 2.2 Its party time!(dance, skate, bowl, race, play)_story 5:28 2.2聚会时间到了!(跳舞,滑冰,保龄球,赛车,玩耍)_故事 2.3 Its a Birthday Party!(dance, skate, bowl, race, play)_song 3:26 2.3这是一个生日聚会!(跳舞,滑冰,保龄球,赛车,玩耍)_歌曲 Wow!Silver-Unit 3 Wow!Silver-单元 3 14:53 3.1 Bobs New School(gym, classroom, canteen, lab, corridor)_story 5:28 3.1鲍勃的新学校(健身房,教室,食堂,实验室,走廊)_故事 3.2 Whats behind the door?(opposite, behind, in front of, next to, on the right, on the left)_story 6:00 3.2门后面是什么?(对面,后面,前面,旁边,右边,左边)_故事 3.3 Welcome to My School(there is a, there isnt a, there are some, there arent any, there is some, there isnt any)_song 3:25 3.3欢迎来到我的学校(有,没有,有,没有,有,没有)_歌曲 Wow!Silver-Unit 4 Wow!Silver-单元 4 14:35 4.1 What is IT?(ICT, Maths, PE, Art, Music, English, Science)_story 5:16 4.1什么是IT?(信息通信技术,数学,体育,艺术,音乐,英语,科学)_故事 4.2 The Brain Booster(play sport, do a test, use tablets, search the internet, send e-mail)_story 5:59 4.2大脑助推器(运动,测试,使用平板电脑,有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站互联网,发送电子邮件)_故事 4.3 How often?(always, usually, sometimes, never)_song 3:20 4.3多久一次?(总是,通常,有时,从不)_歌曲 Wow!Silver-Unit 5 Wow!Silver-单元 5 12:40 5.1 This is crazy!(neck, elbow, wrist, shoulder, knee, ankle, hip)_story 4:43 5.1这太疯狂了!(颈部,肘部,手腕,肩部,膝盖,脚踝,臀部)_故事 5.2 Steves Bad Weekend(Its twisted, Its bruised, Its burnt, Its broken, Its cut)_story 4:57 5.2史蒂夫的糟糕周末(扭伤,擦伤,烧伤,骨折,割伤)_故事 5.3 What should he do?(must, should, shouldnt, mustnt)_song 3:00 5.3他应该怎么做?(必须,应该,不应该,不能)_歌曲 Wow!Silver-Unit 6 Wow!Silver-单元 6 15:15 6.1 The Shoe Shop(clothes shop, electrical shop, shoe shop, sports shop, toy shop)_story 5:41 6.1鞋店(服装店,电器店,鞋店,运动店,玩具店)_故事 6.2 How to Shop?(collect, deliver, order, pay(for), try(on))_story 6:46 6.2如何购物?(收货,发货,订购,付款,试用)_故事 6


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