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Praat语音学软件与对外汉语语音教学 - PAGE IV - Praat语音学软件与对外汉语语音教学 Praat Phonetic Software and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Phonetics 摘 要 语音教学作为语言教学的组成部分,在对外汉语教学中地位重要。目前语音教学的发展仍然不成熟,还存在一些问题。文章研究的目的就是试图为语音教学探索出一种新型的教学方式,将Praat语音学软件运用到对外汉语语音教学中。文章主要采用的论文研究方法是文献研究法、实验法和跨学科研究法。通过阅读以汉语或者以其他语言作为第二语言进行教学的相关论文资料,了解Praat软件目前在第二语言教学中的地位,明晰文章的研究意义,进而在实践中使用。语音教学很重要,对交际有重要影响,而声调的学习又较为困难,语音测试的重要性便凸显出来了。目前语音测试发展较为滞后,而实验语音学有其科学性的优点,如果能将二者结合起来,便会促进语音测试的科学发展。Praat软件恰巧能满足这一需求。Praat运用简便,设计科学,在学习、教学、研究中都能发挥其优势。我们可以将Praat语音学软件与对外汉语语音教学相结合,应用在教学活动中,通过使学习者的视觉和听觉相结合,运用可视化的教学方法,让教师的教学更方便、学生的学习更高效。教学设计也可以证实该软件在对外汉语教学中可应用性。文章的研究结果是Praat在对外汉语教学中有其可应用性和意义,对汉语语音教学发展有重要意义。 关键词:对外汉语;教学;语音教学;Praat;教学设计 Praat Phonetic Software and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Phonetics Abstract As an integral part of language teaching, phonetic teaching has an important position in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. At present, the development of phonetic teaching is still immature, and there are still some problems. The purpose of the article research is to try to explore a new teaching method for phonetic teaching, and apply Praat phonetics software to the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. The main research methods used in this paper are literature research method, experimental method and interdisciplinary research method. By reading the relevant papers in teaching Chinese or other languages as the second language, understand the current position of Praat software in the second language teaching, clarify the research significance of the article, and then use it in practice. Phonetic teaching is very important, has an important impact on communication, but tone learning is much difficult, the importance of voice testing is highlighted. At present, the development of voice testing is lagging behind, and experimental phonetics has its scientific advantages. If the two can be combined, it will promote the scientific development of voice testing. Praat software happens to meet this need. P



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