人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid精品学案:The Rest of the Unit(P56~60).docx

人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid精品学案:The Rest of the Unit(P56~60).docx

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人教版(新教材)高中英语选择性必修第二册 PAGE PAGE 1 The Rest of the Unit(P56~60) Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式 1.I’m sorry to interrupt(打扰) you, but I really have something important to tell you. 2.She screamed (大声尖叫) for help from the window of the burning hotel. 3.As an adult,Wordsworth worked hard with another fellow(同类的) poet. 4.The restaurant is in a bad condition, so there is not a diner(就餐者) at all. 5.Fish and seabirds mistake plastic for food and choke (使窒息) to death. 6.The floors of all campus buildings are equipped with manual (手动的) fire alarm systems. 7.We were running a little late and the weather was cold and foggy (fog). 8.They are very practical (practice) and easy to wash. 9.I held the rope tightly (tight) in case I might fall off. 10.They feel no need at all to justify(为……辩护) the choice. Ⅱ.短语语境填空——根据汉语提示写出适当的短语 1.When she saw an old man fall down, she went up to help__him__to__his__feet (帮助他站起身来). 2.The little boy is sleeping, facing__down(面朝下). 3.The young man is so lazy that he always sleeps__in(睡懒觉) every day. 4.Increasing numbers of children are overweight and out__of__shape(身体状况不好). 5.With__the__help__of(在……帮助下)her English teacher, she was able to concentrate on her study. 6.Looking ahead,experts insist that we (should) take action at__once(立即). 7.In__fact(实际上), life gets more enjoyable as you age. 8.Make__sure (确保) to take in the view from the tea shop on the top floor; it’s well worth the visit. Ⅲ.句式语境仿写 1.It is so easy, in fact, that almost anyone can learn how. 事实上,这很简单,几乎任何人都能学会。 〖仿写〗 他很聪明,能解决那个难题。 He is so__clever__that he can solve that difficult problem. 2.Then,make sure that the victim is really choking. 然后,确保受害者真的窒息了。 〖仿写〗 努力学习,你最终会成功的。 Study__hard,__and then you will succeed at last. 3.Luckily, Chen had learnt how to give first aid in school. 幸运的是,陈在学校里学会了如何进行急救。 〖仿写〗 请告诉我下一步该做什么。 Please tell me what__to__do next. 记单词 Ⅰ.语境串记同根词 She becomes more and more desperate in the days of desperation, but she still saves the situation desperately. Ⅱ.词族联记一类词 1.同义词串



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